At 07:46 PM 10/28/01 -0800, someone with the password to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

>Some people need killing, some people don't.  The difference
>is not always clear, but when it comes to imperial soldiers
>and trade towers, the difference is clear enough.

         It's always refreshing to see someone with such a staunch moral 
compass. You would no doubt write excellent Captain American fan fiction.

>And the difference is also clear enough when it comes to
>those people who found themselves paying taxes to support an
>imperial war they knew nothing of.

         Perhaps people should pay better attention to the actions their 
government takes in their name - after all, you never know when somebody 
might take seriously all that talk about the actions of the government 
merely reflecting the will of the people, and in so doing hold your 
blissfully ignorant ass accountable.

-- Luthor //Remembering is copying and copying is THEFT

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