
Friend of mine sent me this.  I like the poetic justice of it.

 S a n d y

> A Good Idea!
> All of the rubble from New York ... all the huge blocks of
> concrete and steel, the old busted up computers, refrigerators,
> hot water heaters, air conditioners, fire trucks, broken glass,
> etc., should be shoveled into C130's and C5A's, flown over
> Iraq and Afghanistan and dropped from 32,000 feet.
> A Frigidaire can do a heck of a lot of damage from 5 miles up.
> With each assault, we can drop pamphlets:
> "Greetings, from the 110th floor of the World Trade Center!"
> The next day it would read, "...from the 109th floor..."
> Then the 108th, etc., etc.
> After 110 days of this, I can't imagine there would be much
> left standing on the ground.  Can't you just see the headlines:
> What wonderful irony this would be, and think how much money
> we wouldn't have to spend on new bombs or missiles!  Not to
> mention the 100-million tons diverted from the New York City
> landfill.

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