New York is a world of fanciful invention of people
aching to be more important so bear this in mind.

A fellow this evening claimed to have been present
at the session when the US and the Soviets agreed to
detarget one another, at Bolling AFB, thus closing
down the Doomsday Scenario two generations lived
with, through various administrations of the US and
the Soviets.

What was interesting about this story was the behavior
of the US and Soviet military officers who had control
of the weaponry which could determine who lived and 
who died for some 50 years, and not the transient
officials who headed governments.

According to the person telling the story, the USAF
officer heading the US's MAD program told him the day of
detargeting was the happiest of his life.

The Soviet colonel general who came to the US to arrange
detargeting was found, again according to this eyewitness,
watching the I Love Lucy Show and laughing his ass off. 
Boots off, wearing mismatched socks, mouth filled
with golden teeth.

The Soviet colonel general was also said to be relieved
that the standoff was over at long last. And that it was now
time to construct retirement facilities for no longer needed 
MAD officers.

Is there any way this event's particular circumstances can be 
verified? That detargeting occurred is known, but what of
the main officers' thoughts about no longer being ready to
unleash the dreaded armaments year after year, and their
relief at the passing of the nearly unbearable responsibility?

This is well beyond what the physicists and engineers of
the weaponry have disclosed of their feelings. The handover
of the weapons to officers in the field, though supposedly
restrained by a battery of controls, does raise a question
of what it was like to be in command of the weapons, to
remain ready to launch them even if nations' leaders could
not order an attack.

Do physicists and behavioral scientists address the effect
of commanding horrific weaponry -- not that of the launch
officers in control of the keys, but that of the officers who
must decide to issue the orders of launch when there is
no higher authority to say do it now?

The person who told this story said the US officers in
command are southerners, mean sons of bitches who would
have no reservation in launching mass killing weaponry. 
This didn't ring true: why southerners and not any other 
American? And what of the claim that the officer in command
claiming detargeting was the happiest day of his life? Why
would launching not be that if he was a mean son of bitch?

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