In Lambeth, it makes sense to be an anarchist
I have long suspected that any Brixton policeman must be an anarchist to 
survive. Now I know for sure. The commander of the Lambeth Metropolitan 
Police Division has admitted it.
Londoners will know Commander Brian Paddick. He is a metropolitan 
celebrity. He has pioneered tolerance of recreational drug use, from 
realism as much as from conviction. Openly gay, his patronage of the 
Urban75 agitprop website has generated a burst of chatline threads, most of 
them adulatory and unique in police communication. Mr Paddick is no Dixon 
of Dock Green.
But an anarchist? Can a policeman seriously proffer an absence of law as a 
basis for social order? His signature, "Brian: the Commander", is explicit. 
"The concept of Anarchism has always appealed to me,"...MORE

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