Djakarta to Bombay,I just got some FOI on my contribution last year...1500$damage to the Collins st store.Ronalds days are numbered.A shadowy figure in a terrorist group has encouraged armed fighters to target American interests and to extort, kidnap and murder American citizens.
"The United States has declared war," he said in a radio message to armed freedom fighters "Our obligation is to fight them.Anyone who destroys American interests, consulates, all missionary organisations, McDonald's, KFC, Shell or Caltex petrol pumps or American Express, or anyone who cuts off the head of an American, you will be given complete protection and a special place in paradise."
Is anyone keeping tabs on all the Cypherpunk Fatwa's?
I will if no one else is interested,it could be a list where we all vote various joshua's up and down.
When Cypherpunks are called "terrorists," we will have done our jobs.
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