N Korean spy ship same one that ran drugs, Ogi says
A salvaged North Korean spy ship appears to be the same ship as one which was suspected of being used for drug trafficking in the East China Sea in 1998.....( Japan Today, 6 Dec 02)
N. Korean spy ship same as 1998 drug-deal vessel.....( Mainichi, 6 Dec 02)
U.S. Official, Japan Abductees' Kin Meet
The U.S. ambassador and two congressmen met Friday with relatives of Japanese citizens who were abducted by North Korea decades ago and want American help in getting their families out of the Communist country.....( AP, 6 Dec 02)
Britain confirms Saudi ex-spy chief as new envoy
Britain said on Thursday it had accepted the appointment of Saudi Arabia's former intelligence chief as ambassador to Britain but said no start date had been fixed for his posting.....( Reuters, 6 Dec 02)
Skeleton in Laos may be lost CIA airman
The recent finding by a U.S. task force has raised hopes for identifying James B. McGovern, or possibly his co-pilot, Wallace A. Buford of Ogden, Utah, who were shot down in 1954 in the last days of the French Indochina war.....( AP, 6 Dec 02)
New spy affair
In the wake of the Akhme Zakajev affair, neither the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Russian Embassy in Copenhagen have been able to provide a credible reason why Søren Hjorth Jensen, a Danish businessman, was in 1999 detained at Moscow International Airport on suspicion of espionage, thrown out of the country, and has been denied an entry visa since.....( Copenhagen Post, 6 Dec 02)
Bomb Kills Man, Nephew in S. Lebanon
A bomb killed a former Lebanese intelligence agent and his nephew Friday as they drove on a highway in southern Lebanon.....( AP, 6 Dec 02)
Spy felt sorry for hooker, court told
FORMER defence spy Simon Lappas was so desperate for a sympathetic ear he visited a Canberra brothel to find affection.....( Courier Mail, 6 Dec 02)
45 defence personnel caught spying: Fernandes
The Indian defence establishment seems to be leaking like a sieve. As many as 45 defence personnel have been found involved "in passing sensitive information" to Pakistani officials during the last three years.....( Times of India, 6 Dec 02)
Former chief of Slovakia's secret service arrested in killing
Police arrested a former secret service chief Thursday and charged him with the 1996 slaying of an informant in the kidnapping of a former Slovak president's son.....( AP, 5 Dec 02)
Amnesty International demands the immediate acquittal and release of journalist and environmental activist Grigory Pasko
...Grigory Pasko, a reporter for a Russian Pacific Fleet newspaper, was first arrested in 1997 for passing allegedly sensitive information to Japanese media. International and Russian human rights organizations vigorously protested against the arrest and in 1999 he was acquitted of all spying charges.....(Amnesty International, 6 Dec 02)
Row erupts over police chief's exit in Belfast
...The Guardian understands that the man is 55-year-old chief superintendent Bill Lowry, formerly head of Belfast special branch. His 30 years of service made him one of the intelligence unit's most experienced officers, and he played a key role in the October raids to break up an alleged IRA spy ring at Stormont, and the investigation into the theft of special branch papers from Castlereagh police station in March.....( Guardian Unlimited, 6 Dec 02)
Ace flyer with bizarre fantasy of secret service life
Known as "one of the best pilots in the business", the flamboyant 55-year-old's final venture was to fly a £22m cargo of cocaine from Jamaica into Southend airport. It was then to be dumped on the runway for a drug gang waiting in a nearby graveyard to run out and collect. Barrett-Jolley's cover story was that he was working for "Air America", a supposed wing of the CIA.....( Yorkshire Today, 5 Dec 02)
Iraqi VP: U.N. inspectors serve CIA and Mossad
Iraqi Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan accused late Wednesday U.N. inspectors of being "spies" for the United States and Israel, and of staging the intrusion into a presidential palace on Tuesday as a provocation that could lead to war.....( Albawaba, 5 Dec 02)
Iraqi VP accuses UN arms inspectors of spying.....( Xinhuanet, 5 Dec 02)
Iraq inspectors hit back at criticism
UN weapons inspectors in Iraq have defended themselves after accusations by Baghdad of spying and suggestions by Washington that searches are not "aggressive" enough.....( BBC, 5 Dec 02)
2 accused in bid to take high-tech secrets to China
A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted two South Bay men accused of stealing trade secrets from four Silicon Valley high-tech firms to help a microprocessor manufacturer in China.....( San Francisco Chronicle, 5 Dec 02)
Sun, Transmeta and others at centre of international spying case.....( Silicon Valley, 5 Dec 02)
Babkin espionage trial scheduled for December 16
...The 72-year-old professor was the main witness at the trial of U.S. spy Edmond Pope, who was sentenced to 20 years by the Moscow City Court, and pardoned by the Russian president.....( Interfax, 5 Dec 02)
Read more about CI Centre professor Edmond Pope here
Senate set for showdown on ASIO powers
THE Federal Government is set for another showdown in the Senate, with Attorney-General Daryl Williams refusing to change new laws strengthening the powers of the national spy agency.....( West Australian, 5 Dec 02)
Swedish Court Releases Two Spy Suspects
A Swedish court released two suspects Thursday in an espionage investigation involving wireless equipment maker LM Ericsson, but ordered the main suspect kept in jail.....( AP, 5 Dec 02)
UK Unionist tribunal
The UK Unionist leader who is the subject of an unfair dismissal case before a Fair Employment Tribunal in Belfast has accused former Assembly Secretary Freda Woods of stealing confidential files, including letters from former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Mo Mowlam.....( UTV, 5 Dec 02)
Judge approves auction of Cuban plane to pay spy's ex-wife
A judge on Wednesday ordered the seizure and sale of the Cuban aircraft that carried eight Cuban defectors to Key West, to help pay off a settlement awarded to the ex-wife of a Cuban double agent.....( AP, 5 Dec 02)
Industrial Espionage Getting More Common and More Crucial
For a good part of his professional career, Andrew Parsons has been a computer software sales executive. But when he received an e-mail from an anonymous person earlier this year, he took on a more exciting role — he became an undercover agent for the FBI.....( ABC News, 4 Dec 02)

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