On Fri, 06 Dec 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, Some poser wrote:
> > Jim, you post enough crap from Slashdot to know differently. People are
> > doing it. I have a whitebox machine (AMD, 256M ram, cheap TV card, 20G
> > disk, $300 a year ago) that does it. It isn't a big deal.
> Speaking of posting crap...and don't send me private email.

Don't worry about me sending private email in the future... You're not only 
a complete idiot, but you're rude as fuck as well.
> Which is irrelevant, what is the CPU speed of the box? -THAT- is what is
> important...raw processing power. An old 486dx/80 running Linux will store
> video but only at a handfull of fps.

No, actually, for those of us who live in the real world, it isn't as
important as you make it out to be. I'm not going to tell you the
processor speed, becuase that would only egg you on. Suffice it to say,
I use a cheap PC to record TV shows, with open source and a bit of custom
software. It works. Well. You can continue believing whatever you like.

I'm reminded of a joke I heard in college. An econ professor and a
student are walking over the quad. The student says, "Look, there's a
$20 bill on the ground!". The professor replies, "Nonsense. If there
were, someone surely would have picked it up."


Jamie Lawrence                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"People should be allowed to keep midgets as pets."
    - Gov. Jesse Ventura

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