On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 10:10:25PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Nothing serious, just throwing a quick thought out...
| It has been mentioned that you should always use crypto. If you wait until
| you actually have something private to send, then an adversary will know
| exactly which message is important. Encrypting everything gives equal
| suspicion to each message and nobody has the resources to attack all of your
| mail.
| So, I was thinking that rather than just encrypt each message, why not just
| keep a constant encrypted stream open? So, even when you are asleep,
| computers at each node are bombarding each other with encrypted "junk"
| files. Your noise to signal ratio would be phenomenal.
| The main problem to solve as I see it would be for legitimate recipients to
| be able to determine when a message is real and not trash, without letting
| an adversary know.

And then there's economics.  Someone has to pay for that noise to
signal ratio.


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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