On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Matthew X wrote:

>  >>>Anarchism is the belief that people are basically good, <<<(Shoate shite)
> Sez who?

Sez you, actually..

> A lot of people attracted to anarchism seem to think like Lord
> Acton,that power corrupts and the less your average person has over you the
> safer you'll be.

Thank you for agreeing with me, people are basically good. Othewise what
is being corrupted? If they're already bad, then what is being corrupted?
Nothing, they're already corrupt. If they're already corrupt then you have
to accept the fact that even if we were in the nirvana state of anarchy at
least some people would not see it as their best interest, and would do
something about it (which by the way is where the 'big stick' observation
about anarchy comes into play - however much you might want to deny it).

Anarchy is that people would get along if left to their own ends and
didn't have to put up with 'governments'. The problem is that
'governments' don't exist outside of individuals anymore than forests
exist without trees. You can take the tree out of the forest, you can't
take the forest out of the trees. You can take people out of government,
but you can't take government out of people.

The way people speak of 'government' as if it were something extant
outside of peoples minds and hearts is truly schizo.

Typical CACL double-speak. People attracted to anarchy, irrespective of
their intelligence, are emotionaly stunted.


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      are going to spend the rest of our lives.

                              Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

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