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I'll make you a promise. Read this email to the end!! It is the best mon=
ey making system of them all!!!   True story as seen on ABC's 20/20 -- 1=
5 year old boy makes 71 THOUSAND dollars in 5 weeks.
Parent's of 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet. Does thi=
s heasdline sound familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just=
 seen this story on a major nightly news program (USA).
His mother was cleaning and putting his laundry away when she came acros=
s a large brown paper bag burried suspiciously beneath some clothes and =
a skateboard in the back of her 15 year olds closet. Nothing could have =
prepared her for the shock that she would receive when she opened the ba=
g. When she opened it she found cash. fifty dollar bills and twenties. T=
he back was full.all neatly rubber banded in labled piles. At first the =
mother was scared because she thought the worst of her son. Maybe he rob=
bed a bank???  There was over 71,000 dollars in the bag. The woman , kno=
wing that that was more than her husband could make in a year, immediate=
ly called her husband at his work. He came home right away and together =
they drove to their sons school and dragged him out of class. Little did=
 they suspect that where the money came from was more shoking that actua=
lly finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy was sending out, =
via email, a type of report to email addresses that he obtained off of t=
he internet. Everyday after school for the past two months,  he had been=
 doing this right on the computer in his bedroom.
I" I just got the email one day and I figured what the heck, I put my na=
me on it like in the instructions said and started sending it out", said=
 the clever 15-yr old boy.
The email letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send o=
ne $ 5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address a=
t the bottom and move the others down, and finally to add mine to the to=
p of the list. The letter further stated that I would receive several th=
ousand dollars in five dollar bills within two weeks if I sent out the l=
etter out as i was instucted. I get junk ewmail all of the time and I re=
ally didn't think it was going to work. Within the first few days of sen=
ding out the email, the post office box that his parents had gotten him =
for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with envelope=
s containing money. Hundreds of envelopes. Over the next few weeks, cont=
inuing his efforts online the boy sent out more emails. The money just k=
ept coming in. He states that he received so much mail he barely had tim=
e for his homework.=20
He tells his story of how he rode his bike to banks to turn in the $5 do=
llar bills for twenties and fifties. He was affraid that what he was doi=
ng was going to get him in trouble.=20
In fact, the boy did not have any reason to be affraid. It was completel=
y legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18 Section 1302 a=
nd 1341, ar Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code, also in the Code of F=
ederal Regulations, Volume 16, sections 255 and 436, which state a produ=
ct or service must be exchanged for money received. Here is the letter t=
hat the 15 year old boy was sending out by e-mail. You can do the exact =
same thing that he did, simlpy by following the instructions......

Dear friends and future Millionaires:=20
As seen on National Television:
Making over a half million dollars every four to five months from your h=
ome for an investment of only $ 25 U.S. Dollars one time expense. ALL TH=

Be a Millionaire Like others within a year on the net!!!
Before you say BULL, please read the following. This is the letter that =
you have been hearing about on the new lately. Due to the popularity if =
this letter on the internet, a national weekly news program recently dev=
oted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below=
, to see if it really can make people money. This is what they had to sa=
y "hanks to this profitable oportunity. I was approached many times befo=
re but each time I passed on it. I am so glad that I finally joined just=
 to see what one could expect in return for the minimal money and effort=
 required. To my astonishment, I received a total of $610,470.00 in 21 w=
eeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

More testimonials later but first,
PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTUR REFERENCE\\If you would like to make $500,=
000.00every 4 to  months easily and comfortably, please read the followi=
ng.... CAREFULLY!! Order all five reports On the list below.  For each r=
eport, send $5.00 cash The name and the number of the report you are ord=
ering And your e-mail address to the person whose name appears on that l=
ist next to that report .=20
Make sure your return address is on your own will top left corner in cas=
e of any mail problems . =20
When you place your order, make sure you order each of the five reports =
  You'll need all five reports so that you can save them on your comput=
er and resell them.  You're up from cost is only five times $5.00 equali=
ng $25.00 . =20

with in a few days, you will receive via e-mail , each of the five repor=
ts from these five different individuals.  Save them on your computer so=
 they will be accessible for you to send them to the thousands of people=
 hold more of them from you.  Also make a floppy of these reports and ke=
ep it on your desk in case something happens to your computer. =20
Important to not alter the names of the people were listed next to each =
report, for their sequence, less, in any way other than what is instruct=
ive alone in steps one for six.  If you do you'll lose out on the majori=
ty of your profit.  Once you understand the way this works, you'll also =
see how it does not work if you change it.  Remember, this method has be=
en tested and if you Walter , you will not work!!  People have tried to =
put their friends or relatives names on walls five thinking they could g=
ive all the money.  But it does not work this way to leave us, we all ha=
ve tried to be greedy and then nothing happens.  So do not try to change=
 anything other than what is instructive.  Remember honesty reaps the re=
ward!!! =20

These are the six steps you need to do=20

1 after you have ordered all five reports, take this advertisement and r=
emove the name and address of the person in report member five .  This p=
erson has made it through the cycle and is in no doubt touting their mon=
ey. =20
2 Move the name and address on report #4 down to report # 5.
3 Move the name and address on report #3 down to report #4.
4 Move the name and address on report #2 down to report #3.
5 Move the name and address are report #1 down to report #2.
6 insert your name and address in the report number one position. =20
Make sure you copy every name and address accurately!  Take this entire =
letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer.  =
Do not make any other changes .  Save this on a disk as well in case you=
 lose any data.  To assist you with marketing and business on the intern=
et, the five report to purchase will provide you with invaluable marketi=
ng information which includes how to send bulk e-mail sleekly, where to =
find thousands of free classified ads, and much much more. =20

Now read the following carefully to see how this program can make money =
for you !!! =20
There are two primary methods to get this venture going:

method one bysending bulk e-mail legally=20
let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and w=
e will assume you in those involve send out only 5,000 e-mail each.let u=
s also assume that the mailing receive only about two percent response (=
the response could be much better but let's just say it is only two perc=
ent ) Also many people send out hundreds of thousands of e-mail since th=
en and only 5,000 each . =20
Continuing with this example you send out only 5,000 e-mail as with a tw=
o percent response, that is only ten waters for report number one. =20
=Those ten people responding by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for told 50=
,000 .  Add of those 50,000 E. mails only two percent respond with the w=
aters.  That's equal to or hundred people responding and watering report=
 number two. =20
Those hundred people mail out 5,000 e-mail siege for total 500,000 e-mai=
l is.  The two percent response to that is 1,000 orders for report numbe=
r three. =20
Those thousand people send out 5,000 e-mail siege for toll 5 million e-m=
ail sent down .  The two percent response to that is 10,000 orders for r=
eport number four. =20
Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50 million=
 E. mails.  The two percent response to that is 100,000 waters for Repor=
t number five. =20
It that some hundred thousand waters times $5.00 each in quoting half a =
million dollars . =20
your total income  in this example is :
Report #1          $50.00
Report #2          $500.00
Reprt #3           $5000.00
Report #4        $50,000.00
Report #5       $500,000.00 Grand Total of $ 555,550.00
Numbers do not lie. Get a pencil and paper and figure out the worst poss=
ible responses and no matter how you calculated it you will still make a=
 lot of money.  =20
Remember friend, this is assuming only ten people ordering out to 5,000 =
new mail to.  If they're to think for a moment what would happen if ever=
yone were half or even 1/4 of those people mail 100,000 e-mails each or =
more.  There are over 800 million people on the internet world wide and =
counting with Thousands more coming on line every day.  believe me many =
people will do just that and more . =20

So let's get started place your order for these reports now and get rich=
!!! =20

Report number 1..... The Insiders Guide to Advertising for Free on the I=
nternet .  Order report number 1 from : C Gold 234 south Ridge Street Po=
rt chester, New York 10573 U.S.A.

Report number two ....The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk E-mail on the =
Internet .   Order Report number 2 from:
Stanley Goldlatt 19 Highview Avenue Rye Brook, New York 10573  U.S.A.

Report number three ...The secrets to Multilevel Marketing on the Intern=
et .  Order report number 3 from : J.LT.P.O. Bo 178 West Nack, New York =
10994 US.A., New York 10573 U.S.A.

Report number four ...How to be, Millionaire Using an M.L.M. and the Net=
 .  Order report number 4 from: J..  Lattassa 799 Brookridge Drive Apart=
ment 5 Valley Cottage, New York 10989 U.S.A.
Report number five .....How to Send Out 1 Million E. mails and Jumpstart=
 your Business.  Order report number 5 from : Gary White 149 Fairview Av=
enue ort Chester, New York 10573

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<BODY><DIV>I'll make you a promise. Read this email to the end!! 
It is the best money making system of them all!!!&nbsp;&nbsp; True story as seen 
on ABC's 20/20 -- 15 year old boy makes 71 THOUSAND dollars in 5 weeks.</DIV>
<DIV>Parent's of 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet. Does this 
heasdline sound familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just seen this 
story on a major nightly news program (USA).</DIV>
<DIV>His mother was cleaning and putting his laundry away when she came across a 
large brown paper bag burried suspiciously beneath some clothes and a skateboard 
in the back of her 15 year olds closet. Nothing could have prepared her for the 
shock that she would receive when she opened the bag. When she opened it she 
found cash. fifty dollar bills and twenties. The back was full.all neatly rubber 
banded in labled piles. At first the mother was scared because she thought the 
worst of her son. Maybe he robbed a bank???&nbsp; There was over 71,000 dollars 
in the bag. The woman , knowing that that was more than her husband could make 
in a year, immediately called her husband at his work. He came home right away 
and together they drove to their sons school and dragged him out of class. 
Little did they suspect that where the money came from was more shoking that 
actually finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy was sending out, via 
email, a type of report to email addresses that he obtained off of the internet. 
Everyday after school for the past two months,&nbsp; he had been doing this 
right on the computer in his bedroom.</DIV>
<DIV>I" I just got the email one day and I figured what the heck, I put my name 
on it like in the instructions said and started sending it out", said the clever 
15-yr old boy.</DIV>
<DIV>The email letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send one 
$ 5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address at the 
bottom and move the others down, and finally to add mine to the top of the list. 
The letter further stated that I would receive several thousand dollars in five 
dollar bills within two weeks if I sent out the letter out as i was instucted. I 
get junk ewmail all of the time and I really didn't think it was going to work. 
Within the first few days of sending out the email, the post office box that his 
parents had gotten him for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill 
up with envelopes containing money. Hundreds of envelopes. Over the next few 
weeks, continuing his efforts online the boy sent out more emails. The money 
just kept coming in. He states that he received so much mail he barely had time 
for his homework. </DIV>
<DIV>He tells his story of how he rode his bike to banks to turn in the $5 
dollar bills for twenties and fifties. He was affraid that what he was doing was 
going to get him in trouble. </DIV>
<DIV>In fact, the boy did not have any reason to be affraid. It was completely 
legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18 Section 1302 and 1341, 
ar Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code, also in the Code of Federal 
Regulations, Volume 16, sections 255 and 436, which state a product or service 
must be exchanged for money received. Here is the letter that the 15 year old 
boy was sending out by e-mail. You can do the exact same thing that he did, 
simlpy by following the instructions......</DIV>
<DIV>Dear friends and future Millionaires: </DIV>
<DIV>As seen on National Television:</DIV>
<DIV>Making over a half million dollars every four to five months from your home 
for an investment of only $ 25 U.S. Dollars one time expense. ALL THANKS TO THE 
<DIV>Be a Millionaire Like others within a year on the net!!!</DIV>
<DIV>Before you say BULL, please read the following. This is the letter that you 
have been hearing about on the new lately. Due to the popularity if this letter 
on the internet, a national weekly news program recently devoted an entire show 
to the investigation of this program described below, to see if it really can 
make people money. This is what they had to say "hanks to this profitable 
oportunity. I was approached many times before but each time I passed on it. I 
am so glad that I finally joined just to see what one could expect in return for 
the minimal money and effort required. To my astonishment, I received a total of 
$610,470.00 in 21 weeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New 
<DIV>More testimonials later but first,</DIV>
$500,000.00every 4 to&nbsp; months easily and comfortably, please read the 
following.... CAREFULLY!! Order all five reports On the list below.  For each 
report, send $5.00 cash The name and&nbsp;the number of the report you&nbsp;are 
ordering And your e-mail address to the person whose name appears on that list 
next to that report . </DIV>
<DIV>Make sure your return address is on your own will top left corner in case 
of any mail problems .  </DIV>
<DIV>When you place your order, make sure you&nbsp;order each of the five 
reports .  You'll need all five reports so that you can save them on your 
computer and resell them.  You're up from&nbsp;cost is only five times $5.00 
equaling $25.00 .  </DIV>
<DIV>with in a few days, you will receive via e-mail , each of the five reports 
from these five different individuals.  Save them on your computer so they will 
be accessible&nbsp;for you to send them to the thousands of people hold more of 
them from you.  Also make a floppy of these reports and keep it on your desk in 
case something happens to your computer.  </DIV>
<DIV>Important to not alter the names of the people were listed next to each 
report, for their sequence, less, in any way other than what is instructive 
alone in steps one for six.  If you do you'll lose out on the majority of your 
profit.  Once you understand the way this works, you'll also see how it does not 
work if you change it.  Remember, this method has been tested and if you Walter 
, you will not work!!  People have tried to put their friends or relatives names 
on walls five thinking they could give all the money.  But it does not work this 
way to leave us, we all have tried to be greedy and then nothing happens  So do 
not try to change anything other than what is instructive.  Remember honesty 
reaps the reward!!!  </DIV>
<DIV>These are the six&nbsp;steps you need to do </DIV>
<DIV>1 after you have ordered all five reports, take this advertisement and 
remove the name and address of the person in report member five .  This person 
has made it through the cycle and is in no doubt touting their money.  </DIV>
<DIV>2 Move the&nbsp;name and address on report&nbsp;#4 down to 
<DIV>3 Move the name and address on report #3 down to report #4.</DIV>
<DIV>4 Move the&nbsp;name and address on report #2 down to report #3.</DIV>
<DIV>5 Move the name and address are report #1 down to report #2.</DIV>

<DIV>6 insert your name and address in the report number one position.  </DIV>
<DIV>Make sure you copy every name and address accurately!  Take this entire 
letter, with the modified list of names, and save it on your computer.  
<STRONG>Do not make any other changes .</STRONG>&nbsp; Save this on a disk as 
well in case you lose any data.  To assist you with marketing and business on 
the internet, the five report to purchase will provide you with invaluable 
marketing information which includes how to send bulk e-mail sleekly, where to 
find thousands of free classified ads, and much much more.  </DIV>
<DIV>Now read the following carefully to see how this program can make money for 
you !!!  </DIV>
<DIV>There are two primary methods to get this venture going:</DIV>
<DIV>method one bysending bulk e-mail legally </DIV>
<DIV>let's say that you decide to start small, just to see how it goes, and we 
will assume you in those involve send out only 5,000 e-mail&nbsp;each.let us 
also assume that the mailing receive only about two percent response (the 
response could be much better but let's just say it is only two percent ) Also 
many people send out hundreds of thousands of e-mail since then and only 5,000 
each .  </DIV>
<DIV>Continuing with this example you send out only 5,000 e-mail as with a two 
percent response, that is only ten waters for report number one.  </DIV>
<DIV>Those ten people responding by sending out 5,000 e-mail each for told 
50,000 .  Add of those 50,000 E. mails only two percent respond with the waters. 
 That's equal to or hundred people responding and watering report number two.  
<DIV>Those hundred people mail out 5,000 e-mail siege for total 500,000 e-mail 
is.  The two percent response to that is 1,000 orders for report number three.  
<DIV>Those thousand people send out 5,000 e-mail siege for toll 5 million e-mail 
sent down .  The two percent response to that is 10,000 orders for report number 
four.  </DIV>
<DIV>Those 10,000 people send out 5,000 e-mail each for a total of 50 million E. 
mails.  The two percent response to that is 100,000 waters for Report number 
five.  </DIV>
<DIV>It that some hundred thousand waters times $5.00 each in quoting half a 
million dollars .  </DIV>
<DIV>your total income &nbsp;in this example is :</DIV>
<DIV>Report #1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 

<DIV>Report #2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 

<DIV>Reprt #3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
<DIV>Report #4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $50,000.00</DIV>
<DIV>Report #5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; $500,000.00 Grand Total of $ 
<DIV>Numbers do not lie. Get a pencil and paper and figure out the worst 
possible responses and no matter how you calculated it you will still make a lot 
of money.   </DIV>
<DIV>Remember friend, this is assuming only ten people&nbsp;ordering out to 
5,000 new mail to.  If they're to think for a moment what would happen if 
everyone were half or even 1/4 of those people mail 100,000 e-mails each&nbsp;or 
more.  There are&nbsp;over 800 million people on the internet world wide and 
counting with&nbsp;Thousands&nbsp;more coming on line every day.  believe me 
many people will do just that and more .  </DIV>
<DIV>So let's get started place your&nbsp;order for these reports now and get 
rich!!!  </DIV>
<DIV>Report number&nbsp;1..... The Insiders&nbsp;Guide to Advertising for Free 
on the Internet .&nbsp;&nbsp;Order report number 1&nbsp;from : C Gold 234 south 
Ridge Street Port chester, New York 10573 U.S.A.</DIV>
<DIV>Report number two ....The Insider's Guide to Sending Bulk E-mail on the 
Internet . &nbsp; Order Report&nbsp;number 2 from:</DIV>
<DIV>Stanley Goldlatt 19 Highview Avenue Rye Brook, New York 10573&nbsp; 
<DIV>Report number three ...The secrets to Multilevel Marketing on the Internet 
.  Order report number 3 from : J.LT.P.O. Bo 178 West Nack, New York 10994 
US.A., New York 10573 U.S.A.</DIV>
<DIV>Report number four ...How to be, Millionaire Using an M.L.M. and the Net .  
Order report number 4 from: J..  Lattassa 799 Brookridge&nbsp;Drive Apartment 5 
Valley Cottage, New York 10989 U.S.A.</DIV>
<DIV>Report number five .....How to Send Out 1 Million E. mails and Jumpstart 
your Business.  Order report number&nbsp;5 from : Gary White 149 Fairview Avenue 
ort Chester, New York 10573</DIV></BODY></HTML>


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