Breakthrough not far away, pledges Reeve
January 27 2003

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Spinal forum site

Paralysed Superman star Christopher Reeve today opened a forum on spinal cord injury, praising Australians' positive attitude and promising hope to spinal injury sufferers.

Reeve, paralysed from the neck down in a horse riding accident in 1995, also took the chance at the NSW Premier's Forum on Spinal Cord Injury in Sydney to again push for greater stem cell research and therapeutic cloning.

"It seems to me only reasonable to continue (research) on all fronts," he said.

The actor said a breakthrough in stem cell research was not as far away as people thought.

"The end game will not take 10, 20 ... years it will be much quicker than that," he said, adding that human trials had already been approved by the US government.

Reeve also said that he liked Australians' approach to problem solving.

When faced with adversity Australians lump adversity into only two categories, he said.

"It is either no worries, or it's a bit of a worry."


This will require embryonic stem cell testing and embryo's are routinely thrown out so what the fuck are we even listening to a bunch of right wing,right to life moron's?

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