On Tuesday 18 February 2003 20:16, Bill wrote:

> At 5:53 PM -0800 2/17/03, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >Any kid coming to school
> >with a knife or gun gets thrown out, period.
> Gee, when I was in high school, I was on the high school rifle
> team.  I still have the varsity letter with the crossed rifles on
> it.  Our ammo was paid for by the US military, who wanted
> recruits who could shoot.  I brought my gun to school at the
> beginning of the season, and took it home at the end.

Teenager have the same right to self defense that adults do.  Why 
would any sane kid want to go into one of those war zones unarmed?  
Why would any sane parent allow them to do so?

David Neilson

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