Quoting Thomas Shaddack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > > So-called terrorists hate not our freedom, but our meddling.
> >
> > This is no excuse for use of unconventional warfare against the US nor
> > does it delegitimize the US's use of force to defend themselves.
> All men have the equipment for rape. Does it give all the women to shot
> dead any man they happen to dislike at the moment, as "preemptive strike"?
> Where is the line between the necessary defense and an unruly aggression
> today?

A UN Security Council resolution authorizing any Member State to use "all
necessary means" to uphold a previous Security Council resolution.

> > As far as dragging the nation to war, 70% of the American people
> > are behind him.
> The number is suspiciously high in comparison with what I hear from my
> friends.

Your friends disagree with two national polls and so the polls must be wrong?

> > By that reasoning, maximum freedom equals no government.  Let's disband the
> > police and military and see how long the US lasts.
> Just wait until the society as we know it collapses or degenerates.
> Alternative security forces will spring up; some militia-based, assembled
> from survivalist-kind of people, some corporate, resembling current
> private security forces, but with licence to kill. US will last, at least
> as its name, just transformed.

Why wait until then?  This anarchy things sounds pretty nifty.  If we can get
total freedom by abolishing government, why wait for society to collapse?

> > The US is also the world's foremost provider of economic aid.  Whether the
> > US is a bully or a peacekeeper really depends on your perspective.
> The aid is administered or withheld as it suits to current foreign
> politics goals.

Of course it is.  Name a sovereign nation that doesn't.

> Problem solved. Supply only the candidates that will not go against the
> Current Foreign Policy and appropriately pro-US slanted Free Market.
> Domestically, offer only the candidates of the Corporate Party, better
> known under the names of its factions as Republicans and Democrats. Make
> sure the barriers of entry to the game are so high that nobody who isn't
> member of this Party or at least isn't deeply enough entangled has any
> real chance.

"whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or abolish it,"

Until this happens, our current goverment and its system of elections is the law
of the land.  

Keith Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- OpenPGP Key: 0x79269A12

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