At 03:08 PM 7/6/03 +0300, Sampo Syreeni wrote:
>. A writing drive capable of working at such a low level
>could be used to experiment with new encodings beyond what standard
>can do -- say, substituting CIRC with RSBC and gaining some extra room
>the disc, getting rid of the subchannels, a more intelligent coding of
>disc addresses... Breaking compatibility wouldn't be too useful, but it

>sure would be fun.

And think of the ulcers you would cause the TLAs!  Assuming they got
disks and not your custom drive...

>Now you simply can't do it.

There's a good reason why, viz: it would cost the drive developer to
or export this flexibility.  Since very few customers are sick enough
:-) to want to invent
their own incompatible formats it simply isn't worth their
development-engineering time or
end-product resources (eg gates) in such a commodity product.

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