Dear Sir/Madam,

For the last 17 years we White farmers in Zimbabwe tried to go on about 
ourbusiness of running our Farms and hoping that the promises of the Black
government to respect our Rights could be trusted. Instead, our hopes  have
been dashed.  President Robert Mugabe has designated approximately half 
of all the Farmland in Zimbabwe owned by White farmers for seizure by his
government without compensation. Our farms are divided up and given to
former Members of his terrorist army in return for there continued 
political Support. We Whites, of course, are quite distressed by this.

Most of us have lived in Zimbabwe all our lives, and everything we had 
is in these farms. We are financially ruined by Mugabe's planned "ethnic
cleansing" of white s farmland and we have nowhere to go. Our laments 
have been largely ignored by the rest of the World.

I am Mrs. Juliet Williams, the Wife of the late Stephen D.Williams, of 
theCommercial White Farmers Union in Zimbabwe.,2763,898359,00.html

The Government claims that the policy seeks to redress past colonial
Injustices by redistributing land to poor black farmers. The process 
has become increasingly politicized as President Mugabe's supporters have 
used violence against white farmers workers, resulting in ten white Farmers 
being murdered. In reality much of the seized land have been Allocated to
politicians and supporters of Mugabe's re-election campaign.

After the last general elections in my country when the incumbent 
President Mr. Robert Mugabe won the presidential election, the government has 
adopted a very aggressive land reform programme. This programme is Solely aimed 
at taking the land owned by white African farmers for Redistribution to 
black farmers. This programme has attracted worldwide Condemnation including 
world leaders. This has also forced several white farmers to flee the country 
for fear of victimization and Physical abuse.

Few months ago, our headquarters in Harare was attacked and looted by 
Black protesters and in the process burnt down the whole building which 
Resulted in the killing of my Husband by mob action of Zimbabwean war Veterans.

Few weeks before the death of my Husband, he had travelled to Europe to
deposit the sum funds with a security/ finance company, as he foresaw 
the Looming danger in Zimbabwe. The money in question was deposited in a 
box marked treasures for security reasons.

The proposed amount was meant for the purchase of new machineries and
Chemicals for proposed new farms in Zimbabwe. This cash was kept with  
the Security Company for fear of seizure by the Government, as President Mugabe
has declared that the seizure policy will Be accelerated. He has 
introduced the Land Reform Act of which my Husband, and many rich White farmers 
were killed and many affected.

It is against this background and with the present directive giving to 
us white farmers to leave the country that the rest of my children and I 
Have decided to contact you for assistance, we need to get the funds
(US$8,000.000.00) out of the security/ finance company and would need 
it invested in a viable business Venture in your country with your 
assistance. Once we can get your Commitment and sincerity of helping us in claiming 
the said consignment from the security company and investing this funds on 
our behalf then we would proceed to forward to you the Certificate of 
Deposit and a Power of Attorney that will empower you to claim this luggage on 
my behalf.

However, you would then need to assist us in opening a non-resident 
Account, which will aid us in transferring the money into any account you will
nominate. South African law prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) from 
Opening an account or be involved in any financial transaction. Please we Would 
need to get this done without the knowledge of the Agents of Zimbabwean
Government which is bent on confiscating everything that a Zimbabwean 
White Farmer has work for.

As a woman, I intend to entrust my future and that of my children on 
these funds. Please, if you are ready to assist us, I will forward you the 
Contact details of the security company for you to reach them on my Behalf.

You will be compensated with 20% of the total funds for your 
assistance, or we could go into partnership for aviable and profitable investment in 
your Country.

Please get back to me if you can be of assistance and I would want our
Correspondence to be via email at the initial time.

I expect your confidentiality and your prompt response to so as to 

Regards and God Bless.

Mrs. Juliet  Williams

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