Dear Kind hearted friend,

Please pardon me if I have intruded on your privacy. Though it may be
surprising to you to have received this mail encompassing an investment
proposal from me since you do not know me personally, however, I plead
that you should give my case a hearing.

I am the first son of a late rich black farmer from Zimbabwe. My late
father, Mr. Marcus Tekere was murdered as a result of his opposition to
the much heralded politically motivated land dispute between white farmers
and the Zimbabwean government headed by the much dreaded President Robert
Mugabe. As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through the
usefulness of the internet via e-mail as it is the only means I can
contact somebody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for security
and safety reasons. However, I apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter like I did mention above is to seek your most
needed assistance in a business venture as a partner in receiving the
deposited consignment containing US$18.5 million made by my late father as a 
consignment  to an exclusively managed private security company based in
the Netherlands. The total funds were proceeds from our business foreign
accounts in banks, landed properties and selling of our shares in major
companies. These funds when retrieved was to be used to start off a new
business, purchase of lands, new machines and chemicals for establishment
of new farms in Botswana or anywhere of my choice.

After the death of my father, I was continually threatened to abandon my
inheritance and surrender everything to the government of Zimbabwe. I
resisted for awhile, but when the danger became unbearable and I survived
two murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe to the Netherlands where I am seeking
political asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum was
based on the fact that the securities company is located here in the

I need to transfer this money to a foreign account and invest part of it
in any other good business besides farmlands since the law of the
Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any bank account
or to be involved in any financial transaction. This is why I am seeking a
genuine and reliable partner whose account this money can be transferred,
hence this proposal to you. You have to understand that this is a genuine
proposal which will mutually benefit us both. My future is based on the
success of transaction between my party and the company and so, I urge you
to take it very serious if you are interested. If you accept to assist me,
the company will be legally informed of you representing me and all
documentation procedure will commence with the assistance of my contact
person in the Security Company.

For your assistance, a princely percentage of 25% of the funds have been
mapped out as your commission. 70% of it is going to be the share coming
to me and the rest of my family while the remaining 5% shall be set aside
to take care of all expenses that might be incurred along the line by our
two parties. I am ready to give a little more percentage on the condition
that this transaction will be concluded in no distance time. As a sign of
my open mindedness, I am ready also to entrust you with the investment of
our own share in your country.

Please, kindly maintain absolute confidentiality in the course of the
transaction for security reasons as I am still been haunted. I do not
expect to hear from you if you are not interested, but if you are, kindly
send your response with your phone number inclusive for further verbal
communication with you. I hope the proposal is self explanatory and

I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in advance
as I anticipate your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Tekere

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