At 12:56 PM 11/25/03 -0500, Sunder wrote:
>Um, last I checked, phone cameras have really shitty resolution,
>less than 320x200.  Even so, you'd need MUCH higher resolution, say
>3-5Mpixels to be able to read text on a printout in a picture.
>Add focus and aiming issues, and this just won't work unless you carry
>good camera into the booth with you.

Ever hear of Moore's law?   How about electronic image stabilization?
Piezo gyros optional.

Don't you think the cellphone folks will do the more-pixels-game, trying
add features that distinguish their model from the nearly identical
other models?

There are plans to put a couple of cameras in autos, to check where the
is looking at, wakefulness, etc.  All by 2010.   (Src: EETimes)
And you thought car telemetry recorders were privacy concerns.

(There are *already* dozens of microcontrollers in low end cars, a
in high-end cars.  So much for TJ Watson's "the world only needs five

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