It's really getting to the point where judges don't even go through the
motions of respecting the Constitution any more.  All they have to do is
recite the magic words that "Society's Overwhelming Interest" in
protecting its children, police officers, kitty cats, or whatever,
overrides whatever Constitutional issues there are.

So of course, society's interest in protecting police officers allows New
Orleans police to search your home or business at any time, for any
reason, or for no reason at all.  As long as the cop mumbles something
about making sure he's safe.

Similarly, society's interest in ensuring the safety of airline passengers
allows ID to be demanded and searches, and anyways, your right to freely
travel is not being impeded, because there's always Greyhound.  Of course,
they can stop the bus and search everyone on it at will too.

These problems stem directly from the horrible mistake, many years ago in
the early days of our Republic, of letting what the Constitution says be
what the judiciary claims the Constitution says, as opposed to what the
Constitution itself states, thus giving the Judicial branch of government
absolute power over the Legislative and Executive branches.

As George Wallace once stated, "The country is run by thugs and federal

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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