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Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Retail price: $299.00
Our low Price: $50.00
You Save: $249.00
Adobe Photoshop CS V 8.0 PC
Retail price: $609.99
Our low Price: $80.00
You Save: $529.99

Microsoft Office XP Professional
Retail price: $499.95
Our low Price: $100.00
You Save: $399.95

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Retail price: $320.00
Our low Price: $50.00
You Save: $270.00

Adobe Pagemaker V 7.0 PC
Retail price: $599.95
Our low Price: $80.00
You Save: $519.95
Adobe Illustrator CS V 11.0 PC
Retail price: $599.95
Our low Price: $80.00
You Save: $519.95

CorelDraw Graphics Suite V 12 PC
Retail price: $349.95
Our low Price: $100.00
You Save: $249.95
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Retail price: $1450.00
Our low Price: $90.00
You Save: $1360.00
Symantec Norton Antivirus 2004 Professional
Retail price: $69.95
Our low Price: $15.00
You Save: $54.95

RedHat Linux 9.0
Retail price: $79.99
Our low Price: $60.00
You Save: $19.99

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