James is wired to be unempathetic about victims, as was McVeigh,
as are fearless military and criminal killers, as are national leaders 
of a yellow stripe who never taste the bitter end of their exculpatory

What makes the wire work is that they do not believe that what 
they do unto others will be done to them. This is their faith, blind, 
cross-eyedly focussed vision which sees a right safe path down 
the thinnest of righteous tunnels of imagined invulnerability.

Call it the armor of cowards. 

Call it fundamentalism, or patriotism, or pinheads up their tiny 

Been there: saw the vision, sniffed the odor, licked the sides
of the honey-dripping tunnel, gagged, muttered what the shit is 
this stuff I've been preached is myrhh out of the backdoors
of virgins, yelled, hey, sarge, get me out of my hole. Sarge was 
long gone, preaching and laughing like the devil.

AIDS of the mind is hard to cure.

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