On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

> The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable 
> practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and 
> annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should 
> deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources, 
> by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and 
> cutting off their trade and population movements with the 
> outside world.

Meanwhile, the world will get pissed, Arabian Bloc will finally agree on 
the concept of Monetary Jihad and switch from dollar-per-barrel to 
euro-per-barrel and later perhaps even to a gold-backed Islamic Dinar. 
Arabs have difficulties to agree on something, but give them an enemy and 
they flock together (not entirely unlike Americans) and make decisions.

Once the switch is done, there will not be the necessity to keep so high 
dollar reserves anymore. The USD will lose most of its market power and 
gradually becomes Just Another Currency.

Other countries will stop caring about unilateral embargos and will trade 
with the affected areas anyway, to great dismay of American planners. US 
will attempt to retaliate and cut trade with the offenders. However, the 
world is big and patents on embargoed goods aren't usually respected in 
the affected areas. Also don't forget that you foolishly offshored most 
manufacturing years ago, so patents or not, the rest of the world will 
keep buying Taiwan and China and Malaysia and Japan. And Ireland-made 
CPUs. The transnational corporations won't have the incentive to respect 
US-imposed rules, as they will cut into their profit; the ones that didn't 
made it yet will move outside of the influence of US law, with the 
corresponding impact on US tax revenue and the ability to finance further 
military adventures. Hey - even students are already increasingly choosing 
non-US universities and scientists are in process of moving conferences 
elsewhere, in long term influencing your ability of weapon research, 
further weakening you military-wise. Your policies are signing your own 
demise, and your beloved free market will stab your own back.

Meanwhile, the Empire will cut itself off the world, in a failed attempt 
to punish the world for non-compliance.

What will you do then? You can't bomb everyone. The world needs you much 
less than you like to think.

Now, when you see PNAC won't work, what's your revised plan?

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