At 10:08 AM 12/11/2004, J.A. Terranson wrote:
On Sat, 11 Dec 2004, Justin wrote:
> Not necessarily.  Mixmaster is trivial to use with Mutt.
> 1. Compile Mixmaster
You just made my case for me.  Joe Sixpack will not wtf you are talking
about.  Hell, half the RedHat users won't know either ("where's the RPM?").

Joe Sixpack got lost at "Compile". It's still easier to use than the early versions of FreeS/WAN ("First do a clean compile of your kernel...")

On the other hand, if you're using Mutt, you're already
more complex than Joe Sixpack is likely to use.

Also, rather than a virus installer, it'd be interesting if there were
an anonymizer package built for Apache.  Widespread anonymous web browsing
would mean that simple web-based remailers would be easily usable.


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