On 2005-01-08T12:54:25-0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >What else would the PATRIOT act do?  That's a particularly malicious

That was scarcasm.

> >psychological trick on the part of the miserable bastards who named it.
> >It doesn't so much matter that it's obvious.
> Somehow, I don't think the bastards were hoping for the kind of 
> "Patriotism" I have in mind: Large caliber guns to protect our 
> constitutional freedoms, or at least to make it damn costly for individuals 
> to carry out orders trying to take them away.

It's the socially conservative public at large who have fallen prey to
the association between the PATRIOT act and patriotism.  I did not
intend to suggest that you or most other cypherpunks members have.

"War is the father and king of all, and some he shows as gods, others as men; 
some he makes slaves, others free." -Heraclitus 53

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