Damian Gerow wrote:

> Thus spake Tyler Durden ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [22/03/05 16:12]:
> : Easy to see where that's headed:
> : 
> : 1. Joe Cypherpunk is doing 54 on Rt 95.
> : 2. "Cops" (or guys in a black car claiming to be local 
> cops) stop Joe, make 
> : arrest based on "speeding" or what have you.
> : 3. Cops take DNA sample.
> : 4. 2 weeks later Noam Chomsky is murdered.
> : 5. Hey! Joe Cypherpunk's DNA has been found all over the 
> scene of the crime.
> : 6. Joe Cypherpunk is executed...that bastard! Murdering 
> such a valued 
> : member of society....MIT professor and all that. Papers report that 
> : Cypherpunk Joe had once tried to become an MIT professor 
> but never got on 
> : the tenure track. Clearly, he had a vendetta.
> Uh-oh.  Does this mean that my tinfoil hat isn't good enough 
> anymore?  Will
> I have to don a complete neoprene suit to make sure I leave 
> no trace of
> myself anywhere from now on?

Go watch GATTACA (excellent movie) for this scenario.

Peter Trei

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