Thus spake cypherpunk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [28/04/05 18:48]:
: A remailer posted about EncFS. Gerow quoted the first paragraph and
: added the criticism that it doesn't do locking. Dixon saw the quoted
: first paragraph, which said that the link to the program was "below".
: And indeed, it was below, in the first message from the remailer. It
: included this link, But Dixon
: apparently didn't understand the notion of quoting partial messages in
: a mailing list conversation. He just saw the part about the link being
: "below", and in Gerow's message there was no such link. So he
: complained: there was nothing "below". But Gerow misunderstood, he
: though Dixon was commenting about EncFS's locking mechanisms. So Gerow
: responded as below, adding to the confusion.

In my defense, I assumed a baseline of understanding when it comes to public
lists.  The last thing I expected was him to quote /me/ and complain about
something that someone /else/ had said, when it was all painfully obvious
from the first message.

I guess I just won't assume that around here anymore.

: Honestly, I don't know how you people generate enough brain power to
: keep yourselves alive.

Breathing comes automatically.  No thought required.

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