On 02/09/11 20:03, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 07:36:20PM +1000, Greg Banks wrote:
>> How's about this for a strategy?
>> When a quota resource is first enabled, (i.e. the limit is changed from
>> UNLIMITED to some finite value), the usage is stored as some special
>> value which I'll call INDETERMINATE.
> What about 'getquota'?  I don't support any solution which leaves getquota
> returning bogus values or failing to respond.  That's just icky and
> confusing.
> I don't think you can avoid two passes, and I don't even think you can
> avoid two values during if you really want to be good about it.
> [...]
> There are pure ways to do this, that guarantee consistency. [...]
> That's a real, robust solution.  But it's pretty heavy engineering.

After some thought, I agreed, decided it's quite doable, and decided to
start. I have an implementation coded, so far the hardest bit is testing it.


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