
this is similar to Bug 3695 ( https://bugzilla.cyrusimap.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3695 ).

I use "lmtp_fuzzy_mailbox_match: 1".

Delivery (to a plus or simple address) is proceeded first by imap/lmtpd.c:deliver_local() and then by deliver_mailbox(). I found out, that when I use an address without plus, the 7th parameter passed to deliver_mailbox is "username" (owner of the mailbox), and mydata->authuser (which was NULL in my tests) otherwise.

This leads later to a call of imap/append.c:append_setseen(). If username was passed as 7th argument to deliver_mailbox (no plus-address), as->internalseen is true in that function and the message is marked as \\Seen. Otherwise internalseen is false and the message does not appear as \\Seen. I have no investigated what as->seen_seq does or is supposed to do.

This patch fixes the problem on my system (addr+Sent is resolved during fuzzy-matching), but I don't know if it causes any side effects.

diff --git a/imap/lmtpd.c b/imap/lmtpd.c
index f70f587..5bba193 100644
--- a/imap/lmtpd.c
+++ b/imap/lmtpd.c
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ int deliver_local(deliver_data_t *mydata, char **flag, int n
            /* try delivery to a fuzzy matched mailbox */
            ret2 = deliver_mailbox(md->f, mydata->content, mydata->stage,
                                   md->size, flag, nflags,
- mydata->authuser, mydata->authstate, md->id, + (char*) username, mydata->authstate, md->id,
                                   username, mydata->notifyheader,
                                   namebuf, md->date, quotaoverride, 0);



On 24.06.2013 16:20, Karl Pielorz wrote:


We're running Cyrus IMAP 2.4.17. We've got sieve rules used for accounts
- and some users use 'plussed' addresses.

For example, I've setup a Sieve rule that matches on a subject of 'Test':

require ["fileinto"];
require ["imapflags"];

if header :contains ["Subject"] ["Test"] {
  addflag "\\Seen";

This works fine e.g. if we email 'u...@example.com' - with a subject of
'Test' it'll appear in their inbox as 'Seen' mail (i.e. already read).

However, if we do a direct delivery to a subfolder e.g. email
'user+s...@example.com' - the mail appears in that folder, but appears
as 'Unseen'.

Weirdly, if we change it to do:

  addflag "\\Seen"
  addflag "\\Flagged"

And send an email to the plussed address, it arrives - is Flagged, but
has not had the 'Seen' flag added to it? (i.e. it arrives as Flagged,

Does anyone know why this is? - Or how we can fix it?

'anyone' has p rights to the destination folder (and during testing we
gave 'anyone' all rights to the destination) with the same effect.



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