This looks very similar to the same problem I was having (though mine
was a new account being forced into its initial password change -- but
the same error on trying to submit the password change), so it's
interesting to hear that it's not just me.

I had some discussion with Dave (dave64 on irc) about this but it didn't
come to any useful web-based conclusion. I have shell/sudo access and
wound up running the change password php script that way, at Dave's

So I guess I'm not much more help than "you're not alone", but maybe
Dave can dig further

On Tue, May 12, 2015, at 06:53 AM, Nic Bernstein wrote:
    I've already spoken up about trying to do something about this, but
    to no avail. I'll volunteer to at the very least uncrap things a
    bit. However, the current site has some problems with the
    authentication system. I have credentials on the site, but had
    lost/forgotten the password. I used the password reset facility, but
    now when I log in I am asked to change my password, and that process
    always results in this message:
>> There seems to be a problem with your login session;
      this action has been canceled as a precaution against session
      hijacking. Go back to the previous page, reload that page and then
      try again.
> So I'm stuck. If someone can fix this, fine; please do so. If not,
    I can register again, but then need someone with authority to
    authorize my new account, and I'll probably be asked to update my
    password, and... (wash, rinse, repeat).

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