Further to an earlier posting:

> We recently upgraded to Cyrus IMAP v2.5.7 (compiled from 0ca3a92)

After a 'make; make install' the program 'master' would not start as it
could not find all its shared libraries. Specifically libcyrus_min.so.0 was 

Running ldd on master now shows:

libcyrus_min.so.0 => /usr/lib64/libcyrus_min.so.0 (0x0000003713a00000)

however, the make install put that 64-bit library (and a bunch of others) into 
/usr/lib, which is not included in the loader path for a 64-bit executable, at 
least for our RHES 6.7. So I did:

# mv /usr/lib/libcyrus* /usr/lib64

and everything worked. Is this a problem in the configure scripts for 64-bit 


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