Ah OK. In this case, what means the specialuse flag when not via proxy
authz? Are there different sets of flags on the same mbox for different
users? I'm not familiar yet with this level of detail on mbox management
internals, maybe I'm missing something...

Related question: what do you (and others) think about the proposed (in my
previous mail) specialuse integration into autocreate_inbox_folders? I could
try to implement it if the core devs consider it a useful feature.


-----Original Message-----
From: Leena Heino [mailto:leena.he...@uta.fi] 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 12:34
To: Anatoli
Cc: cyrus-devel@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: RE: v3.0

On Wed, 20 Apr 2016, Anatoli via Cyrus-devel wrote:

> The T199 actually mentions exactly this behavior. Why do you think that
> is not a bug? How is it supposed the specialuse flag should be set from
> cyradm? OR, what does the specialuse property from getmd mean if it's not
> the same as SPECIAL-USE extension flag accessible via IMAP?

During the discussions in irc it became clear that it was not really a 
bug, but more like a feature request. I filed the T199 after irc 
discussions so that the idea would not get lost.

You can set or clear user's specialuse metadata with cyradm but you have 
to do it via proxy authentication: authenticate as admin but authorize as 
the user.

% cyradm --user cyrus --authz user --auth plain imap-server
imap-server> setmd Spam /private/specialuse Junk
imap-server> getmd Spam /private/specialuse
     specialuse: \Junk

Attached to this message is a perl script to set specialuse metadata.

   Leena Heino              University of Tampere / Computer Centre
   ( liinu at uta.fi )      ( http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tkk )

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