Oh yeah :p

reverseacls = yes

I'll fix the test to include that.  The shared addressbooks only work with 
reverseacls turned on.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2016, at 10:43, ellie timoney via Cyrus-devel wrote:
> I'm still getting grief from the two Caldav sharing tests:
> sharing_samedomain: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/382871/66554226/
> sharing_crossdomain: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/382872/14665543/
> I've had a good deep dig into the error report, and it really looks like
> Cyrus just isn't returning the shared calendars.
> Looking specifically at sharing_samedomain for now, here's the part of
> the test where things start going awry:
> >     $talk2->NewAddressBook("Shared", name => "Shared Address Book");
> >     $admintalk->setacl("user.user2.#addressbooks.Shared\@example.com", 
> > "user1\@example.com", 'lrsn');
> > 
> >     my $Addressbooks = $talk1->GetAddressBooks();
> > 
> >     $self->assert_deep_equals([
> >           {
> >             'name' => 'personal',
> >             'isReadOnly' => 0,
> >             'path' => 'Default',
> >             'href' => '/dav/addressbooks/user/us...@example.com/Default/'
> >           },
> >           {
> >             'path' => '/dav/addressbooks/zzzz/us...@example.com/Shared',
> >             'href' => '/dav/addressbooks/zzzz/us...@example.com/Shared/',
> >             'name' => 'Shared Address Book',
> >             'isReadOnly' => 1,
> >           }
> >         ], $Addressbooks);
> => create a new addressbook "Shared" on user2
> => give user1 "lsrn" rights to it
> => look up user1's address books
> => expect to find user1's "Default" addressbook, and user2's "Shared"
> addressbook
> The output from these actions starts at line 201 (which fpaste doesn't
> let me link directly to, doh).
> You can see it creating the addressbook (201 Completed), setting the acl
> (OK Completed), and then it asks for user1's addressbooks:
> > <<<<<<<< PROPFIND 
> > HTTP/1.1
> > <D:propfind xmlns:D='DAV:' 
> > xmlns:C='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav'><D:prop><D:displayname/>
> > <D:resourcetype/><D:current-user-privilege-set/></D:prop></D:propfind>
> > >>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
> And the response XML (with the long lists of privileges snipped out, for
> readability):
> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> > <D:multistatus xmlns:D="DAV:" xmlns:C="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav"
> > xmlns:XFA68="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" 
> > xmlns:CY="http://cyrusimap.org/ns/";>
> >   <D:response>
> >     <D:href>/dav/addressbooks/user/us...@example.com/</D:href>
> >     <D:propstat>
> >       <D:prop>
> >         <D:resourcetype>
> >           <D:collection/>
> >         </D:resourcetype>
> >         <D:current-user-privilege-set>
> >           [snip]
> >         </D:current-user-privilege-set>
> >       </D:prop>
> >       <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
> >     </D:propstat>
> >     <D:propstat>
> >       <D:prop>
> >         <D:displayname/>
> >       </D:prop>
> >       <D:status>HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found</D:status>
> >     </D:propstat>
> >   </D:response>
> >   <D:response>
> >     <D:href>/dav/addressbooks/user/us...@example.com/Default/</D:href>
> >     <D:propstat>
> >       <D:prop>
> >         <D:displayname><![CDATA[personal]]></D:displayname>
> >         <D:resourcetype>
> >           <D:collection/>
> >           <C:addressbook/>
> >         </D:resourcetype>
> >         <D:current-user-privilege-set>
> >           [snip]  
> >         </D:current-user-privilege-set>
> >       </D:prop>
> >       <D:status>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</D:status>
> >     </D:propstat>
> >   </D:response>
> > </D:multistatus>
> There are two responses in this:
>   * one for user1's top level (the "addressbook-home-set"? I don't think
>   NetCardDAVTalk includes this in the returned list of addressbooks)
>   * one for user1's "Default" calendar
> But there's no response in the XML containing the expected "Shared"
> addressbook, and so we get the test failure:
> >  Structures begin differing at:
> >   $a->[1] = 'HASH(0x455c428)'
> >   $b->[1] = Does not exist
> >  at Cassandane/Cyrus/Carddav.pm line 328.
> Index 0 is OK - it contains user1's Default calendar.  But index 1,
> which we expect to contain user2's Shared calendar, doesn't exist.
> This doesn't seem to be a perl module problem -- it's not that the perl
> module is mishandling the response, it's that Cyrus is not providing the
> expected response.
> On a hunch, I tried running Cassandane across fm/future, thinking maybe
> there was a relevant Cyrus commit that hadn't been sent upstream yet...
> but it fails in the same way.
> Any ideas?
> Anyone else finding these two tests failing?
> On Mon, May 16, 2016, at 11:37 AM, ellie timoney via Cyrus-devel wrote:
> > On Mon, May 16, 2016, at 11:04 AM, Bron Gondwana via Cyrus-devel wrote:
> > > Are you running the latest version of all the perl modules?  I suspect I
> > > have
> > > pushed more recent versions to CPAN that fix these - there were a bunch
> > > of
> > > things that required perl module fiddling.
> > 
> > I think so, at least the DAV ones and their dependencies:
> > 
> > => Net::DAVTalk 0.09 (from CPAN)
> > => Net::CardDAVTalk 0.03 (from CPAN)
> > => Net::CalDAVTalk 0.05+1 (from github)
> > 
> > The last updates to these on CPAN were a couple of weeks ago, on 2nd and
> > 3rd of May. These are the versions I have.
> > 
> > I'm using a version of Net::CalDAVTalk from github because it's one
> > commit ahead of CPAN (fixes missing "_method", which caused most of the
> > Caldav tests to fail with the CPAN version).

  Bron Gondwana

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