Hello Dirk,

does this happen with cyrus imap 2.5.11?


On August 13, 2018 3:23:56 PM PDT, Dirk-Willem van Gulik <di...@webweaving.org> 
>On a smal cyrus imap 2.5.3 setup (freebsd ports, default settings, 5k 
>users, 300 Gb mboxes) we are seeing very sporadic `loss' of messages
>every few months; 1 or 2 messages; out of a few 100k to a million going
>through perfectly fine in the same period).
>They disappear; but are still present as a
>  files.
>But cannot be found; even when searching through IMAP on 
>message-ID or otherwise unique elements. Searches in the same veign for
>the messages before/after the lost one work and return those.
>A grep through the cyrus.index shows its unique message ID.
>A full  reconstruct with /-r/-R/-G does not seem to bring it back as 
>The mesaages lost are otherwise normal; fully valid mime; and when
>re-injected - pass through and surface.
>What is the right way to debug this ? We suspect it may have something
>do with either (al)pine and thunderbird; as it seems to hit users that
>those two clients - during periods they use both. All else seems

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