
isn't it time to update the Cyrus Bylaws https://www.cyrusimap.org/overview/cyrus_bylaws.html ?

Here my wishes:

The process of doing trivial changes must be trivial. A hint shall be sufficient for this change in docsrc/imap/reference/manpages/systemcommands/rehash.rst :
-    **rehash** [**-v**] [**-n**] [**-f**|**-F**] [**-i**|**-I**] imapd.conf
+ **rehash** [**-v**] [**-n**] [**-f**\|\ **-F**] [**-i**\|\ **-I**] imapd.conf

Write down, that doing changes on master that fix bugs on the stable branch shall be applied on the latter without having explicit inviation. In fact I do not think this belongs to the bylaws, but as the approach is not applied, it shall be stated somewhere.

It must be foreseenable when one writes a ticket, whether the case will be handled within reasonable time. What means reasonable time, is subject to discussion but one year is more than reasonable time. I wrote once upon a time a ticket that cyrus-sasl/configure --help prints twice --with-pam and then cyrus-sasl/configure.ac was fixed to emit --with-pam only once, then this fix disappeared, I wrote on this at github; nothing happened, and I don't understand why this happened, why is it necessary to escalate on this here and so on.

The process how it is to distinguish between trusted and untrusted contributors needs to be defined clearer. While a trusted person can directly do the changes s/he wants, an untrusted person has not much motivation to work on things, where s/he is mistrusted. In any case, untrusted persons shall not have it harder to contribute than trusted persons.

I understand that for some of you JMAP support is very interesting, for others having IMAP/WebDAV/CalDAV/CardDAV where known problems are fixed on master, but are not on the stable branch is suboptimal. My preference is to have soon stable release with any fixes for IMAP/WebDAV/Sieve that were not backported and have later a release with JMAP/multi-master/better backup when these are ready. And from that moment on take care that any fixes relevant for IMAP/WebDAV/Sieve/something else are backported to the stable branch, while development for JMAP or (new RFCs) goes on master.

Are the concerns raised recently by Quanah the only blockers for cyrus sasl 2.1.27 and what reasons prevent releasing cyrus sasl 2.1.27 within two months?


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