I'm no expert, but I would type your input arguments and use the float
versions of the math.h functions since your dtypes are floats.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Adam
Ginsburg<adam.ginsb...@colorado.edu> wrote:
>> From: Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
>> Subject: Re: [Cython] Linking error - 64 bit problem?
>> On Aug 22, 2009, at 7:40 PM, Adam Ginsburg wrote:
>>> I reinstalled cython from source (instead of easy_install-ing it) and
>>> my code compiled successfully.  Sorry about the previous e-mail.
>> Great--I saw your previous email and started to get worried. I
>> thought easy_install was a source install (we didn't ship any
>> binaries until recently, and then just windows installers).
> I'm not entirely sure what happened, but I have at least 3 python
> installs that I use routinely, so it was probably just a confusion
> issue on my end.
>>> Unfortunately, my code runs slower with cython than without, but at
>>> least now I know I can compile.  In case anyone wants to offer
>>> assistance, the code I'm trying to optimize is:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/agpy/source/browse/trunk/plfit.py
>>> http://code.google.com/p/agpy/source/browse/trunk/cplfit.pyx
>> My first piece of advice is to run cython -a over your code. This
>> will produce an html file which is most helpful in diagnosing where
>> you're wasting time. Just in a quick glance at your code I noticed:
>> - You're calling Python's log, sqrt, max, abs, sum. This would negate
>> any gains you may hope to see.
>> - You're calling len a lot, either store it as a int somewhere, or
>> use .shape[0].
>> - Unless n is huge, arange(n)/float(n) is probably way to expensive.
>> If the above don't help, try unrolling this.
>> I bet there's a lot more performance that one could ring out of your
>> code, but the above should take you far.
> Much appreciated.  I guess the various levels of yellow in the html
> file indicate the slow lines?  I tried getting rid of all of my numpy
> calls in the loop by rewriting them as loops, but that hasn't improved
> speed at all, and in fact appears to have become slower.  Right now a
> fortran (f2py) version goes ~75% faster and pure python goes ~25%
> faster, so I must be doing something wrong.
> Example:
> I changed this:
>       dat[xm] = numpy.max(numpy.abs(cf-cx))
> to this:
>       for i from 0 <= i < n:
>           val = abs(cf[i]-cx[i])
>           if dat[xm] < val:
>               dat[xm] = val
> Is that the right approach for removing max/sum ?
> And is this:
> cdef extern from "math.h":
>   double log(double theta)
>   double sqrt(double theta)
>   double abs(double theta)
> the right way to get rid of numpy log/abs/sqrt calls?
> If you'd rather see the whole code, it's been updated on the google code site.
> Thanks,
> Adam
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