I've tried openmp support with simple example:

from cython.parallel cimport prange

def mul(values):
    ret = 1
    for i in prange(values):
        ret *= i
    return ret

And cython crashes:

((b04e040...)) vitja@vitja-laptop:~/work/cython-vitek/zzz$ make mul.so
/usr//bin/python  ../cython.py --gdb -v  mul.pyx -o mul.c
Compiling /home/vitja/work/cython-vitek/zzz/mul.pyx

Error compiling Cython file:
from cython.parallel cimport prange

def mul(values):
    ret = 1
    for i in prange(values):

mul.pyx:5:26: stop argument must be numeric or a pointer (perhaps if a
numeric literal is too big, use 1000LL)

Error compiling Cython file:
from cython.parallel cimport prange

def mul(values):
    ret = 1
    for i in prange(values):

mul.pyx:5:19: Compiler crash in AnalyseExpressionsTransform

ModuleNode.body = StatListNode(mul.pyx:1:0)
StatListNode.stats[0] = DefNode(mul.pyx:3:0,
    modifiers = [...]/0,
    name = u'mul',
    num_required_args = 1,
    reqd_kw_flags_cname = '0',
    used = True)
File 'Nodes.py', line 337, in analyse_expressions: StatListNode(mul.pyx:4:4,
    is_terminator = True)
File 'Nodes.py', line 6553, in analyse_expressions:
    assigned_nodes = [...]/1,
    is_parallel = True,
    is_prange = True,
    valid_keyword_arguments = [...]/3)

Compiler crash traceback from this point on:
  File "/home/vitja/work/cython-vitek/Cython/Compiler/Nodes.py", line
6553, in analyse_expressions
    self.index_type, node.type)
  File "/home/vitja/work/cython-vitek/Cython/Compiler/PyrexTypes.py",
line 2624, in widest_numeric_type
    elif type1.rank < type2.rank:
AttributeError: 'PyObjectType' object has no attribute 'rank'
make: *** [mul.c] Ошибка 1
rm mul.c
((b04e040...)) vitja@vitja-laptop:~/work/cython-vitek/zzz$

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