Branch: refs/heads/ui-bin-intns
  Commit: 964aa1c878d031de60985276e3ccc219d7bec9de
  Author: Max Franz <>
  Date:   2018-12-03 (Mon, 03 Dec 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M package-lock.json
    M package.json
    M src/client/components/editor/buttons.js
    M src/client/components/editor/cy/cxtmenu.js
    M src/client/components/editor/cy/edgehandles.js
    M src/client/components/editor/cy/stylesheet.js
    M src/client/components/editor/index.js
    M src/client/components/element-info/interaction-info.js
    M src/client/components/element-info/participant-info.js
    M src/client/components/form-editor/index.js
    M src/client/components/form-editor/interaction-form.js
    M src/model/element/element.js
    M src/model/element/interaction-type/binding.js
    A src/model/element/interaction-type/index.js
    M src/model/element/interaction-type/interaction-type.js
    M src/model/element/interaction-type/interaction.js
    M src/model/element/interaction-type/modification.js
    M src/model/element/interaction-type/transcription-translation.js
    M src/model/element/interaction.js
    M src/model/element/participant-type.js
    M src/server/routes/api/document/reach.js
    M src/styles/base.css
    A src/styles/custom-icons.css
    M src/styles/element-info/interaction-info.css
    M src/styles/form-editor/form-editor.css
    A src/styles/image/arrow-negative-small-white.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-negative-small.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-negative.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive-filled.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive-long-filled-white.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive-long-filled.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive-long.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive-small.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-positive.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-unsigned-white.svg
    A src/styles/image/arrow-unsigned.svg
    M src/styles/index.css
    M test/interaction.js

  Log Message:
  Updates to the UI re. the 'Factoid binary interactions' specification

- Add custom icons for activation, inhibition, and unsigned arrowheads.
- Update the network context menu with the new arrowhead tools.
- Add more rotation CSS classes for icons.  The arrowhead buttons in the 
network toolbar use a slight angle.
- Add support for specifying the sign of an interaction in the network UI with 
three buttons in the toolbar -- one for each sign.
- Revise the interaction wizard:  The sign is chosen before the association.  
The sign stage is optional, because the sign is preselected by the three 
buttons.  When selecting a sign that is incompatible with the current 
association, the default association (`Interaction` -- other) is set.
- Update edgehandles to v3.5.0.  This is necessary to use the `ghostEdgeParams` 
feature so that the ghost edge arrowhead matches the selected, edge-drawing 
button.  Enable snapping.
- Indent the subtypes of modification in the network UI.
- Model cleanup
  - Have a static `allowedParticipantTypes()` function on interaction types.  
This allows for better lookup/matching -- before having an instance.
  - Remove `UNSIGNED_TARGET` participant type.  Funda wanted this type to have 
a specified target on unsigned interactions, but it's never been strictly 
necessary.  The source and target ordering for an unsigned interaction does not 
  - Remove unneeded `static` methods in the model.  Just `require()` the 
`PARTICIPANT_TYPE` etc. directly.  This was a TODO previously, but it wasn't 
  - Clean up `toString()` fields under `InteractionType`.  Only `verbPhrase` 
and `postPhrase` are necessary.
  - Correct the `toString()` outputs according to the specification document.  
Some cases did not match the document, and some were broken (partially 
  - Remove `setParticipantType()` comment under `Interaction`.  This function 
is not weird.  It's just setting participant type (sign) on top of a more 
general-case grouping feature in the model.  In an interaction, each 
participant may be assigned a group in order to flexibly classify the 
- Form cleanup
  - Remove manual specification of interaction association list.  This makes 
the `render()` more readable.
  - Correct dropdown widths to support full view of labels.
  - Make sure dropdown labels are in all lowercase to be formatted properly as 
a sentence.
  - When the user selects a new sign for an interaction, the interaction 
association is reset if the (sign, type) combination is not valid.

      **NOTE:** This service has been marked for deprecation:

      Functionality will be removed from on January 31st, 2019.

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