This approach to Galicia "can be applied to other spaces in Europe with 
similar characteristics, e.g. Bukovina."

A bit of an understatement to say the least: as this list, the Ehpes 
site, and _Ghosts of Home_ as well as other works have long demonstrated.

    Book Launch: "Galizien als Archiv" by M. Baran-Szołtys & "Nationale
    Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien" by M. Rohde (Wiener Galizien
    Studien) on January 31, 2022, 18.00, via Zoom.

by Magdalena Baran-Szoltys

Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (Vienna) and Martin Rohde (Halle/Saale) present 
their books!
In conversation with Christoph Augustynowicz, Kerstin S. Jobst, Yvonne 
Kleinmann, Kurt Scharr, Alois Woldan and of course you.

The event is a cooperation of the Aleksander-Brückner-Center and the 
University of Vienna. It will be held on January 31, 2022, 18.00, via 
Zoom, in German.  Please register at You 
can find the Book Launch as an event on Facebook: .

About the books:

*Magdalena Baran-Szołtys: Galizien als Archiv. Reisen im postgalizischen 
Raum in der Gegenwartsliteratur. Göttingen 2021. *

How do people travel to historical spaces like Galicia today and, above 
all, what for? This book offers answers to those questions by analysing 
contemporary representations of Galicia in Polish and German-language 
literary texts and journalistic travel accounts. Magdalena Baran-Szoltys 
sheds light on the role of travels to historical spaces and then 
develops the thesis of Galicia as an archive/archival space in which 
certain themes, myths, material relics etc. are stored. She determines 
three types of archives: historical-literary, idiosyncratic and family. 
The model designed for the study of such journeys provides revealing 
insights and can be applied to other spaces in Europe with similar 
characteristics, e.g. Bukovina.

*Martin Rohde: Nationale Wissenschaft zwischen zwei Imperien. Die 
Ševčenko-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 1892–1918. Göttingen 2022.*

Which factors influenced the knowledge production of non-dominant groups 
in hierarchized contact zones? This question is discussed with the 
example of the Ukrainian Shevchenko Scientific Society in Habsburg 
Galicia during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This 
young institution was the only centre of the Ukrainian scholarly 
community during this period, enabling investigation into nascent 
Ukrainian science through the history of this association. Although this 
book deals with a group of nationalizing scholars, the focus is not 
exclusively on conflicts, but rather on European entanglements as well 
as the possibilities, limits, and delineations of Ukrainian science in 
its pursuit of justifying the existence of Ukraine.

  * Read more or reply

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