Czernowitzers, dear friends...

Wintertime is a great time to get long-postponed things done. That's how a 
complete redesign of my website came about. Just one click away are now:


>From Czernowitz to Radautz, from the Holocaust in Galicia to the visual arts 
>and literature of Bukovina and last but not least to the "Radautz Vital 
>Records" and the "Radautz Jewish Cemetery"!

THE RADAUTZ VITAL RECORDS DATABASE covers over 22,500 properly indexed vital 
records for the period 1857-1929, transcribed by my wife Martina and searchable 
through search engines magnificently created by Bruce Reisch and his son Lucas:

In years of meticulous work, Yossi Yagur, supported by his wife Miriam and 
Bondy Stenzler have managed to record the gravestones of the THE RADAUTZ JEWISH 
CEMETERY and match them with the civil registers:

The journeys, which I undertook between 2006 and 2022 - virtually always by 
motorcycle - had the Bukovina as destination or at least however as an 
important stage. In 2006 I toured across Russia and even "Beyond the Baikal“; 
in 2022 the journey had to end "Along the New Iron Curtain".

But wintertime is also reading time. So have all fun with my new website, don't 
hesitate to bookmark it and make one or another new discovery!

Edgar Hauster [MacBook]
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