As you know some records were lost burning with the destruction of thé synagogue
For example I can’t find records from thé Town of my grand mother Rostoki
Good luck

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Objet : [czernowitz-l] Looking for Resources in Novoselitz


I am new to the Czernovitz list, but I recently discovered that one of my 
ancestors was from the town of Novoselitz. I knew that he was from the region 
of Bukowina from his naturalization papers, but I finally figured out which 
town he was from. I was wondering where I could find more information to find 
more distant ancestors from that town? I've checked JewishGen's Bukovina page 
and read the partially translated Yizkor book of Novoselitz, but there doesn't 
seem to be much in the way of genealogical information. Any help would be much 



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