I would love the answer too; my grandmother’s sister was divorced and I can’t 
find any record of it or for her marriage as well… I know when and where she 
was born and then her life after 1951…

Sharon F. Yampell
Researcher #128890
Marlton, NJ

From: Bruce Reisch<mailto:bruce.rei...@cornell.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 9:20 AM
To: CZERNOWITZ-L<mailto:CZERNOWITZ-L@list.cornell.edu>
Subject: [czernowitz-l] FW: from Paul Blanck

Dear Friends,
Please see Paul’s question below. If anyone has a response, please share with 
the group and I will forward your answer to Paul. He’s not a group subscriber.
Thank you,
BruceI eou

From: PAUL BLANCK <sirbla...@yahoo.es>
Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6:12 AM
Thank you for your response Mr. Reisch, could you please ask a question in your 
information sharing group? This question, regarding where the Jews in Bukovina 
got divorced? I would appreciate it very much.
    I am looking forward to your answer
        Paul Blanck

Hi Paul,

This is beyond my expertise, though I’m sure that at least some divorces were 
handled in the Bukovina capital city, Czernowitz. Other Jewish record keepers 
in other towns may have handled divorces as well, and some may have been sought 
through the rabbinate.

Best of luck,


From: PAUL BLANCK <sirbla...@yahoo.es>
Date: Monday, March 11, 2024 at 3:41 PM

Hello, a question, the Jews of Bucovina,

 in which cities did they get divorced before

the Second World War?

 Wait for your answer

    Paul Blanck

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