To keep this thread going, I had a quick look at the reference material of the dip and picked some thoughts.

In some languages volatile has a stronger meaning, like guaranteeing an atomic access. In some languages it may not guarantee anything.

In this proposal volatile is only for optimization, not for protection. It does not add any code, it just prevents the optimizer removing some code.

Read-modify-write and multi-word access are not guaranteed. The user should be aware of possible failures and for example avoid longer data types than the word size of the processor.

Volatile is never recommended to use for communicatin between threads. It has been mentioned to be a reasonably good method to exchange data with an interrupt program. It is the only reasonable way to access hardware registers. The only others I have seen are library functions and inline assembly and they are not acceptable.

Walter has been against this and now also Martin. I think there is no use to bring this to the main forum. I understand the point that it is not very good to have something in the language specs that can not be guaranteed.

We just need this to access registers. Dmd is more for desktop and servers. It will never support all the targets gcc can. Could we make this a gdc extension?

While writing this it just popped to my mind: if volatile is not good, could we reuse the 'system' word? Then it would be clear that this is for accessing system resources and not for application level.

There seems not to be much documentation about system. Tdpl says it may omit some checks and the website says it is quite the same than not having any other attributes. So:
What system means in general?
What it currently means in gdc?
Could we use it instead of volatile?

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