Why We Are in Need of Allah Forgiveness
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani an Naqshbandi 
Lefke Cyprus, suhbat from 04 June 06

Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Aziz Allah
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, KarimAllah
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, SubhanAllah
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, SultanAllah

Allahumma salli ´ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ´ala ali
Sayyidina Muhammad wa barik wa sallim. As-salamu

He is Only One, who is going to do everything as He
likes. Whole Power with Him, Almighty Allah. We are
nothing. But He dressed you, O children of Adam,
dressings of servanthood. And it is highest level, or
highest honor for you, children of Adam, by the decree
of Allah Almighty, Most Merciful, Most Beneficient,
Most Magnificent. Almighty Allah, everything through
His hands.
Audhubillahimina shaytani rajim - and we are running
from shaytan to Allah! You can’t do for shaytan
anything. And we are saying: Bismillahi r-Rahmani
r-Rahim and we are asking "tawwaju". From (the) sun
rays (are) coming on(to) earth, and Allah Almighty
(is) dressing his distinguished servants, from them,
Divinely shines may shine on your heart. If (there) is
no such a Holy, no one can reach anything from
Heavenly shining, Heavenly honor never reaching. 

Therefore, no one asking from Allah Almighty to grant
us from His forgiveness - O our Lord, forgive us! They
are saying, "(Why) we are in need of forgiveness? What
we are doing?" People (are) asking, "We are not doing
so bad things?" Saying, "we are clean people". That is
(a) foolish declaration. Nonsense thinkings, to say
"what we are making a wrong thing to ask forgiveness
from Allah?" They are thinking that they are doing
everything good. 

People think that they are sinless. They think that
they are never doing sins, to say "O our Lord, forgive
us". That is shaytanic idea. (shaytan says, you) must
say, "I did nothing wrong, why I must ask forgiveness
from Allah? I did nothing wrong." Therefore everyone
(is) saying (when told to) to ask forgiveness, "why
(should I be) asking forgiveness? What (did) I do? I
am doing my best! We are doing nothing wrong.
Everything (is) okay." 

At least that making a people to ask forgiveness,
(not) to forget He Almighty. That is Prophets dua, he
is asking, "O our lord, don’t do me to forget You -
when Im forgetting You, I am falling in darkness. ".
That is biggest sin, to forget your Creator. How you
can forget Him, that through your breathing? shaytan
making something to do without nonsense thing, "or
what is?" astaghfirullah. To forget Him, biggest sin.
That you are forgetting your Lord Almighty Allah, that
means you are only with your ego. No God for you, to
forget means to take him away, to forget your Lord,
that means to accept that no any Creator, there’s not
anyone who (is) controlling me". And even, (scientist)
people, even one atom, that we are saying is smallest
thing through existence, can’t be without control. Who
created that atom? He created! He is controlling! What
about yourself? Thinking that you are without control?

If you are claiming that you are (without control),
then you are like cattle through meadows, never
thinking themselves under control. Because it is not
their level. But they have another understanding, they
know their existence through someone. They (are) never
saying we came through ourselves, like foolish people.
"We are coming through ourselves", that is biggest
No one (is) understanding here, foolish people! Going
to be like meadow people, give your attention to me!
Biggest ignorance for 21st century people, not
accepting control to themselves. But they accept
(that) atoms must be under control. Without control,
how atom can be in existence? (An) atom can be by
itself? It is arranged its existence without any
control from outside? Who making center of atom? Who
making around center of atom running electrons? Who
giving speed of light? But people never thinking on
it, saying "no control". But if atom no control it is
impossible, what about yourself? You may be a
collection of atoms, maybe be trillions, quatrillions,
going up, how can be without control?

But people are drunk now, saying "no god". How they
are saying this? And they are preventing through
schools to say Allah! What is that foolishness? How
can you claim no control of sun, seas, through
continents? And they are making this, "it is positive
knowledge". That is positive? That apes may laugh to
them. Donkey saying, "O professor, I know that I am in
control, and I know that my control through the hands
of mankind, now you say no control, you are lower than
donkey". Finish. Because mankind rubbish, to dustbin.

Therefore awliya (are) saying (there) should be storms
of death, (a) flood of blood. Not flood of water,
flood of blood. Because they are saying, "no control".
At least say "we are controlled, He is Controller"!
Anyone else can be Controller? 21st century, top of
being ignorant. Therefore (they are) beginning to eat
each other. They are in punishment, (it has) just
begun. Today is better than tomorrow, and yesterday
was much more suitable than today. 

Every day going down. Because people are not accepting
to learn Truth, reality. Running like drunk ones,
never understanding anything, never asking "how
happening this? sun, rising up, setting down. How our
world running around itself and same time running
solar system and solar system also running in other
direction, orbit, and our galaxy also had another
orbit, running on it, running on it... who is making

People (are) finished. Allah Almighty (is) saying, " I
am giving My oath, I am making them, controlling them,
all heedless people, ignorant people, in a place that
they should be forever puished and going to be under
Heavenly cursing, up to eternity". 
O people! This is a very short time for our lives! We
have not (been) ordered to collect dunya, or to
collect money, no. But we have (been) sent here to be
caliph of (the) Heavenly Being on earth! And He
granted us to be His caliphs on earths, to collect
good things, to collect precious things, (and) not to
run after dirty things on earth that (have) no value.
But that shaytanic teaching, shaytanic system, from
East to West, North to South, (people) running on it.
May Allah forgive us! O people, for everything (there
is) a limit, (also) for our lives: we (are) coming and
going. Everything (has) a limit. When something (is)
reaching its limit, (it will) finish. Don’t think that
the life of mankind (is) going to be forever, no! One
day their souls, their spiritual power, one day coming
Allah Almighty, collecting them, then they are falling
down like dead bodies. (It is) approaching,
approaching! Dunya is not new one. Don’t think that
high buildings and technology is making dunya new one,
no. Who creating this world is putting a limit on this
planet. One day this planet (is) going to disappear by
Holy Command.
(There) should appear another land on earth.
Everything should be like sands. You can’t find a
stone like (a) fist, you can’t find, because so heavy
earthquakes, even mountains going to be in skies,
running on each other, going to be like sandy land.
Then Allah Almighty (is) going to collect them to
come, to come (to) Him, for their judgement. Allah
Almighty (is) giving His Judgement for whole mankind.
And it is so close now, because the signs just

And (the) Prophet - and we are believers  (in the)
Prophet - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam - was saying,
"if my nation (is) going to be on straight path, going
to be true ones, Allah Almighy (is) giving them one
day. (And) if they are running (on) shaytanic ways,
their life (will be) only half a day. And half a day -
coming one day in front of Allah Amighty 1.000 years -
that means life (of) 500 years. They were following
sharia, then going to leave it, (and they) left it.
You can’t find a country following (the) Holy Command.
Therefore, 500 years. Now we are (in the years of)
1.400, meaning 100 years (are left). 

Then (among) the signs (is the) saying it should be a
big war. Dunya should be among themselves biggest war.
Should (make run), people on earth. Who is going to
reach good days, whom they are sincere servants, who
they are living for their Lord, they should be under
protection, they should be sheltered. If (they are)
living for their ego’s physical desires (they) should
be taken away!
May Allah forgive us and give us lights and
understanding what is going on around ourselves.
Everywhere advertising wrong ways against Holy
Command. And (while) they are running to find a way
they are falling down.
May Allah forgive us and bless you, for the Honor of
the Most Honored One in His Divinely Presence,
Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

wassalam, arief hamdani

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