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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
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Re: GENERAL: Shabbos Greeting

TJ asked:
>>1) What is the earliest known source for specifically the greeting "Shabbat 
>>Shalom" or "Shabbat Shalom u'Mevorach" that is so common among Sefaradim; 
>>where do these terms first appear?

The Kollel replied:
>>(1) This is an interesting question which I have never really thought about 
>>before. However I suspect that these greetings are quite new and do not have 
>>a source in classical Hebrew. I have found a slight support for my assertion 
>>in the amendments of Rabbi Akiva Eiger to the Shulchan Aruch OC 271:1 end DH 
>>Sham Be'd v'K'm who writes that to fulfil the Biblical commandment of Kidush 
>>- sanctifying Shabbos - it would seem that it is sufficient merely to mention 
>>Shabbos and to say "Shabta Tavta". The words "Shabta Tava" are the same as 
>>saying in Yiddish "Gut Shabbos" (in fact I suspect that where R. Akiva Eiger 
>>lived they said Gut Shabbos but he is just translating the spoken terms into 
>>the Hebrew used in the Shulchan Aruch).  What we do seem to see from R. Akiva 
>>Eiger is that they did not say Shabat Shalom.
>>However I did find in Sefer Gesher Hachayim (21:7:4, page 244), written by R. 
>>Yechiel Michal Tukutchinski in 5707, that he discusses the greetings one 
>>gives to mourners on Shabbos and writes that the prevalent custom was to say 
>>Shabbat Shalom to mourners after the first 30 days. However that was written 
>>not so long ago when Ivrit was already quite prevalent.


Jacob Aryeh Feuchtwanger adds:

Please look at the Or Hachayim in this weeks Parsha on the Possuk "Ish Immo 
ve-oviv tiro-u ve-es Shabsosai tishmoru ani Hashem". In the middle of a long 
text on this possuk the paragraph starting "Ve la-ze hirvachnu etc." the Or 
Hachayim explains why on Shabbos one says "Shabbat Shalom" and why we say at 
Maariv "Ufros Oleinu Succas Slomecha"

Yours sincerely,
Yaakov Feuchtwanger

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