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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld


Sotah 006: Shitas Rabanan

Moshe asks:

According to the cheshbon in the machlokes Rav Sheshes and Rav Yosef it
comes out that according to the Rabbonon, the mayim could check the Sota -
and if she has a zechus - she won't die yet, but at the same time, she
won't show any signs of 'detriment' (ie. so much so that we need eidim to
posul her from eating terumah).  Does she stay married for this time, or
must she leave him out of sefeik? If the water checks her and she stays
with him, how could the Mayim be machshil them to be together (since we say
asur lebaal..)

Moshe, Jerusalem
The Kollel replies:

Tosfos (6b, DH “v’Tehorah”) says that it is apparent from the Bavli, and is
clearly stated by the Yerushalmi, that the husband does not have to suspect
that she has this special merit, and can be with her during this time.

Regarding your question, how could the Mayim be Machshil them to be
together, let me first point out that the Mayim is not being Machshil her.
She knows the truth, and whether or not she is forbidden (Rav Shlomo Zalman
zt”l discusses in Minchas Shlomo vol. 3 whether she is obligated to run
away in order not to be Machshil her husband).

Regarding the husband, the Mayim is something that works in a supernatural
manner when Klal Yisrael deserves for it to be so. If a person is in this
state and he does not realize that his wife is a “holy Sotah” who has a
Zechus, there is probably a reason why Hashem decided that this husband
should be Nichshal, and it may have to do with him being Nichshal in
similar areas in general. (For more on this topic, see 26b regarding Eishes
Kohen and the Rambam in Hilchos Sotah 3:21).

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose
The *D*AFYOMI *A*DVANCEMENT *F*ORUM, brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf

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