I've a new w2000 at home, so I will use it for cygwin os and
uname -a?

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 mercure 1.3.20(0.73/3/2) 2003-02-08 12:10 i686 unknown unknown Cygwin


cygwin      [stdio/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
cygwin      [stdio/perlio]-DDEBUGGING [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cygwin      [stdio/[EMAIL PROTECTED] -Dusemultiplicity
cygwin            [stdio/perlio]-DDEBUGGING [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              (cont) -Dusemultiplicity
    lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.....FAILED at test 2
    lib/warnings.........................FAILED at test 414
../lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze....dubiousD. FAILED test 2

This failure are well known from HM Brand report: http://www.alianwebserver.com/perl/smoke/smoke_db.cgi?os_fil=cygwin&last_smoke_fil=18500&failure=1

Yep, and it's hard to trace where it *realy* hides, but it has to do with a
CRNL/NL mismatch. That's all. We would all be gratefull if you'd be able to
silence it :)

I think I find something ... I find a shortcut to see them: PERLIO=perlio ./perl -Ilib lib/warnings.t ... ok 412 ok 413 ... EXPECTED: Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch at - line 5. GOT: Insecure dependency in chdir while running with -T switch at - line 5. not ok 414 ...

It's very strange as perlio is the default for perl-5.9 no ?
This can help to track the real bug ....the failure go avay with:
PERLIO="perlio :crlf" ./perl -Ilib lib/warnings.t
So if a patch is done, I think this is with Test-Smoke that he must be done.

I presume that Cygwin build use a default value of perlio :crlf as make test didn't fail in command line without setting this var.
(Why perl didn't set $ENV{PERLIO} to his real value ?)

So in this case, I think we must use for cygwin smoke layers ('stdio', 'perlio :crlf') as for win32 smoke.

For add another comment, I think that use :crlf as default for cygwin is a bug. I use the env var CYGWIN=binmode, and see cr is not what I want. Gerrit what you think about this ?

Else I see in log file a lot of (like 200):
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ../lib/CGI.pm line 3459

Else I try to build with -Duseithreads, but no success. I see that nobody has send in past a result for this config.

If you've got spare time, please try. Cygwin has promised to support threads,
but it would also need time from the perl porters front.

In log, I've this:

t/op/getpid..........................FAILED at test 0
panic: MUTEX_INIT.
With lots of others.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/perl/perl-current
$ gdb ./perl
(gdb) run -Ilib lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t
Starting program: /home/alian/perl/perl-current/perl.exe -Ilib lib/Test/Harness/t/strap-analyze.t
panic: MUTEX_INIT.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x1000b594 in S_my_exit_jump () from /home/alian/perl/perl-current/cygperl5_9_0.dll
(gdb) where
#0 0x1000b594 in S_my_exit_jump () from /home/alian/perl/perl-current/cygperl5_9_0.dll
#1 0x1000b4c3 in Perl_my_failure_exit () from /home/alian/perl/perl-current/cygperl5_9_0.dll
#2 0x10061e29 in Perl_vcroak () from /home/alian/perl/perl-current/cygperl5_9_0.dll

If someone need more info, I can send them, but I really I don't know how debug this and where start ! I can report regular smoke, but find why it's fail ...


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