Op een druilerige winterdag (Tuesday 09 March 2004 10:45), schreef Rafael 

> The recent smoke failures noticed by Merijn are reproducible with
> the environment variables
>     LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 (or another utf8 locale)
> perlrun states clearly that PERL_UNICODE being unset is not equivalent
> to PERL_UNICODE="", but to PERL_UNICODE="0". I don't know how
> Test::Smoke sets those variables up,

From Test::Smoke::Smoker::make_test()

        local( $ENV{PERLIO}, $ENV{LC_ALL}, $ENV{PERL_UNICODE} ) =
             ( "", defined $ENV{LC_ALL} ? $ENV{LC_ALL} : "", "" );
        my $perlio_logmsg = $perlio;
        if ( $perlio ne 'locale' ) {
            $ENV{PERLIO} = $perlio;
            $self->{is_win32} and $ENV{PERLIO} .= " :crlf";
            $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C' if $self->{force_c_locale};
            $ENV{LC_ALL} or delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
            delete $ENV{PERL_UNICODE};
            # make default 'make test' runs possible
            delete $ENV{PERLIO} if $self->{defaultenv};
        } else {
            $ENV{PERL_UNICODE} = ""; # See -C in perlrun
            $ENV{LC_ALL} = $self->{locale};
            $perlio_logmsg .= ":$self->{locale}";

>                                       but as LC_ALL=...utf8 is useless
> without PERL_UNICODE="", I suggest, for more clarity, to do :
> - T::S shouldn't set PERL_UNICODE implicitly, or only to "0"
> - smoke configs that set an utf8 locale should also explictly
>   include a setting PERL_UNICODE="" (or any other value you might want
>   to try.)

If memory serves me right, the UTF8 column was added to prevent the 
RedHat9/perl-5.8.0 problems from happening again. Jarkko was okay with this 
(he actually pointed out that PERL_UNICODE should be set to "" and not to 0).

It seemed to work okay up until last week...

What do you expect from me? (I'm sorry but the thread on p5p on this subject 
is way over my head.)

Good luck,

[about random hash-seed]
On Windows, I guess we just seed using the user's
credit card number as extracted from the registry. Product activation
collects that, doesn't it?
                                      -- Nicholas Clark on p5p @ 2003-07-07

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