After sucssfuly building it (they were no Errors during the compile & link
time), I have run the test and it failes on stat with the following
t/op/stat............................# Failed at op/stat.t line 445
# Failed at op/stat.t line 446
# Failed at op/stat.t line 447
FAILED at test 75

I have run the test alone and get this information:
# time=1088607507, stat=(-16768873 20527009 33206 1 246 323 0 0 1088607499
1088607499 1088607499 8192 0)
# -MAC=(9.25925925925926e-05 9.25925925925926e-05 9.25925925925926e-05)
not ok 75 - negative -M works
# Failed at t/op/stat.t line 445
not ok 76 - negative -A works
# Failed at t/op/stat.t line 446
not ok 77 - negative -C works
# Failed at t/op/stat.t line 447

What's seem to be the problem ? how can I solve it ? can I ignore it ? 
help will be apprecated

Thanks in advance,

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