In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (on 16 January
2005 14:51 +0100), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Abe Timmerman) wrote:
>Automated smoke report for 5.8.6 patch 23804
>iX: MIPS R4600 Processor Chip Revision: 2.0 (133 MHZ) (IP22/1 cpu)
>    on        irix - 6.2
>    using     cc version cc: Error: malformed or unknown option: -version

Odd. Must be version-dependent, which would be insane... but what's new
about that (yes, I'm feeling cynical...)?

cc -version:

MIPSpro Compilers: Version

cc -n32 -version:

MIPSpro Compilers: Version

cc -o32 -version
MIPSpro Compilers: Version

cc --version
cc ERROR:  -- not allowed in non XPG4 environment
cc ERROR parsing --version:  unknown flag
cc ERROR:  no source or object file given

>    smoketime 1 day 3 hours 4 minutes (average 6 hours 46 minutes)
>Summary: FAIL(F)
>O = OK  F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
>X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
>? = still running or test results not (yet) available
>Build failures during:       - = unknown or N/A
>c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep
>   23804     Configuration (common) -Dcc='cc' -Ui_db
>----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
>F F F F     -Uusemallocwrap
>F F F F     -Dusemallocwrap

I suspect the above could be changed back to your normal usage; the needed
data has been gathered, as far as I can tell.

>| | | +----- PERLIO = perlio -DDEBUGGING
>| | +------- PERLIO = stdio  -DDEBUGGING
>| +--------- PERLIO = perlio
>+----------- PERLIO = stdio
>Failures: (common-args) -Dcc='cc' -Ui_db
>[stdio/perlio] -Uusemallocwrap
>[stdio/perlio] -DDEBUGGING -Uusemallocwrap
>[stdio/perlio] -Dusemallocwrap
>[stdio/perlio] -DDEBUGGING -Dusemallocwrap
>    ../lib/Math/Trig.t......................FAILED 24-29

Still working on getting Math::Trig more reliable w/regard to
great_circle_*... have also spotted a bug in that deg2deg, grad2grad, and
rad2rad are, contrary to the documentation, not actually exported (even when
specifically asked for; they aren't in EXPORT_OK, let alone EXPORT). I've
found some other formulae for great_circle_* stuff which are more reliable
and/or accurate under _some_ circumstances, and am working on detecting what
those circumstances are.


Allen Smith             
February 1, 2003                               Space Shuttle Columbia
Ad Astra Per Aspera                     To The Stars Through Asperity

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