Op een grimmige winterdag (Monday 17 January 2005 06:38),schreef  Abe 
> Op een grimmige winterdag (Monday 17 January 2005 01:08),schreef  Craig A.
> Berry:


> > $ search [.ext.attrs]descrip.mms ccflags
> TIMMERMAN:FAFNER$ search [.ext.attrs]descrip.mms ccflags
> CCFLAGS = /Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj /
> Include=($(PERL_INC))
> The weird thing is that it will "make" if I do (after the falure)
>       $ set def [.ext.attrs]
>       $ mmk
> I'll try some other things...

Okay, I forgot to build from the rooted logical. That gets me past ext/attrs

But this doesn't look too good:

        Making Filter/Util/Call (dynamic)
Descrip.MMS out-of-date with respect to MAKEFILE.PL,[----.LIB]CONFIG.PM,
Cleaning current config before rebuilding Descrip.MMS ...
Rename/NoConfirm Descrip.MMS Descrip.MMS_old
MMK /Descrip=Descrip.MMS_old clean
MCR DISK$USER_2:[TIMMERMAN.KLAD.PERL-CURRENT]miniperl.exe "-I[----.lib]" 
"-I[----.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e rm_f *.Map *.Dmp *.Lis *.cpp *.exe 
*.obj *.olb *.Opt Call.bs Call.bso .MM_Tmp
MCR DISK$USER_2:[TIMMERMAN.KLAD.PERL-CURRENT]miniperl.exe "-I[----.lib]" 
"-I[----.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e rm_rf  blibdirs.ts 
[----.lib.auto.Filter.Util.Call]extralibs.all call.c pm_to_blib.ts
MCR DISK$USER_2:[TIMMERMAN.KLAD.PERL-CURRENT]miniperl.exe "-I[----.lib]" 
"-I[----.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -e rm_rf Makeaperl.MMS perlmain.c 
[----.lib.auto.Filter.Util.Call]extralibs.ld blib
MCR [----]miniperl.exe "-I[----.lib]" "-I[----.lib]" Makefile.PL 
"INST_LIB=[----.lib]" "INST_ARCHLIB=[----.lib]" "PERL_CORE=1"
Writing Descrip.MMS for Filter::Util::Call
Descrip.MMS has been rebuilt.
Please run MMK to build the extension.
%DCL-W-TKNOVF, command element is too long - shorten
"-I[----.lib]" "-MExtUtils::Command" -E MKPATH [----.LIB.FILTER.UTIL] 
%MMK-F-ERRUPD, error status %X000382A0 occurred when updating target 
%MMK-F-ERRUPD, error status %X1C14803C occurred when updating target DYNEXT
TIMMERMAN:FAFNER$ sh log bldroot

It looks like MakeMaker ignores the rooted logical, or did I miss something?

Good luck,

I'm not convinced.  By setting up mock-ups you are not testing the
real thing: you are testing mock-ups.  It's really emptying shotguns
at decoys and concluding that yup, we are eating duck tonight.
                                   -- Jarkko Hietaniemi on p5p @ 2001-10-20

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