Op een mooie zomerdag (Friday 09 September 2005 01:40),schreef  Manish 
> I see, thanks, at least I could automate the build of CPANPLUS.
> Is there any code-coverage tool for perl modules, which will give the
> code coverage report against the tests it ran for that module?
> I know of Devel-Coverage-0.2, to be used something like
> perl -d:coverage <script_name> args..

You mean Devel::Cover I guess, that's at 0.53 now

> But I am not sure how to tool could be used to get the code coverage,
> for example of CPANPLUS module against the CPANPLUS tests that came with
> it.

Like the man-page suggests:

        $ PERL_HARNESS_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover make test
        $ cover

That will generate nice HTLM reports (if you have Template Toolkit installed)

Good luck,

"Jarkko Hietaniemi" is actually the code name for a whole team of Finnish
super-programmers, capable of working continuously 25 hours a day without
tripping each other up, and running solely only on intravenous caffeine.
                                      -- Nicholas Clark on p5p @ 2002-03-04

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